Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Extraction of Structural Regularity for Random Logic Netlists 

      Sotiriou C.P., Sketopoulos N., Nayak A., Penzes P. (2019)
      We present two regularity extraction algorithms, Greedy and Isomorphism, which extract Structured DataPath (SDP) clusters from gate-level netlists, and an SDP placement algorithm, compatible with industrial tools. Greedy ...
    • Presynthesis area estimation of reconfigurable streaming accelerators 

      Memik, S. O.; Bellas, N.; Mondal, S. (2008)
      In this paper, we propose algorithms for presynthesis estimation of hardware cost of a streaming accelerator. Our proposed estimation method helps to accelerate the design-spaceexploration phase by orders of magnitude by ...