Sfoglia per Soggetto "INFERENCE"
Items 1-6 di 6
Analysis of olive fly invasion in California based on microsatellite markers
(2009)The olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae, is the main pest of the olive fruit and its expansion is exclusively restricted to the cultivation zone of the olive tree. Even though olive production has a century-old history in ... -
Application of fuzzy cognitive maps for cotton yield management in precision farming
(2009)The management of cotton yield behavior in agricultural areas is a very important task because it influences and specifies the cotton yield production. An efficient knowledge-based approach utilizing the method of fuzzy ... -
Critical values for testing a unit root in finite samples from the MA(1)
(2007)This study, using a certain simulation strategy, for the exact maximum likelihood estimator of theta from the MA( 1), estimates appropriate percentiles, together with their standard errors, offering a new set of critical ... -
Detecting introgressive hybridisation in rock partridge populations (Alectoris graeca) in Greece through Bayesian admixture analyses of multilocus genotypes
(2007)The nominal subspecies of rock partridge (Alectoris graeca graeca) is widely distributed in Greece, where populations are declining due to over-hunting and habitat changes. Captive-reared chukars (A. chukar) have been ... -
Environmental Kuznets curves: Bayesian evidence from switching regime models
(2001)The purpose of the paper is to test empirically the existence of an environmental Kuznets curve (EKC), using switching regime models along with cross-sectional data and Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to perform ... -
Exploring new search algorithms and hardware for phylogenetics: RAxML meets the IBM cell
(2007)Phylogenetic inference is considered to be one of the grand challenges in Bioinformatics due to the immense computational requirements. RAxML is currently among the fastest and most accurate programs for phylogenetic tree ...