Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "Heredity"
Αποτελέσματα 1-3 από 3
FcγRIIa-H131R variant is associated with inferior response in diffuse large B cell lymphoma: A meta-analysis of genetic risk
(2016)Purpose: Low-affinity variants FcγRIIIa-V158F and FcγRI-Ia-H131R may alter response to rituximab-based chemotherapy in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) but available clinical evidence is inconclusive. Our purpose was ... -
Highly Dynamic Exon Shuffling in Candidate Pathogen Receptors ... What if Brown Algae Were Capable of Adaptive Immunity?
(2012)Pathogen recognition is the first step of immune reactions. In animals and plants, direct or indirect pathogen recognition is often mediated by a wealth of fast-evolving receptors, many of which contain ligand-binding and ... -
Recombination in primeval genomes: A step forward but still a long leap from maintaining a sizable genome
(2004)A stubborn question in early molecular evolution is how to sustain the "minimum" informational length required for the basic features of life with a putative low-copying fidelity RNA polymerase ribozyme. Proposals to ...