• Architectures for SLAM and augmented reality computing 

      Bellas N., Antonopoulos C.D., Lalis S., Gkeka M.-R., Patras A., Keramidas G., Stamoulis I., Tavoularis N., Piperakis S., Hourdakis E., Trahanias P., Zikas P., Papagiannakis G., Kartsonaki I. (2021)
      In the next few years, new demanding applications will be supported on mobile platforms by reconciling two conflicting requirements: high performance (often with real-time limitations) and low power consumption. The objective ...
    • Indexing in flash storage devices: a survey on challenges, current approaches, and future trends 

      Fevgas A., Akritidis L., Bozanis P., Manolopoulos Y. (2020)
      Indexes are special purpose data structures, designed to facilitate and speed up the access to the contents of a file. Indexing has been actively and extensively investigated in DBMSes equipped with hard disk drives (HDDs). ...