• Mechanisms of proteasome inhibitor-induced cytotoxicity in malignant glioma 

      Vlachostergios, P. J.; Voutsadakis, I. A.; Papandreou, C. N. (2013)
      The 26S proteasome constitutes an essential degradation apparatus involved in the consistent recycling of misfolded and damaged proteins inside cells. The aberrant activation of the proteasome has been widely observed in ...
    • The ubiquitin-proteasome system in glioma cell cycle control 

      Vlachostergios, P. J.; Voutsadakis, I. A.; Papandreou, C. N. (2012)
      A major determinant of cell fate is regulation of cell cycle. Tight regulation of this process is lost during the course of development and progression of various tumors. The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) constitutes ...