Sfoglia per Soggetto "Electric power distribution"
Items 1-9 di 9
Branch and price for covering shipments in a logistic distribution network with a fleet of aircraft
(2018)We consider the problem of covering a set of shipments in a logistic distribution network with a fleet of aircraft. The aim is to cover as many shipments as possible, while also minimizing the number of aircraft utilized ... -
Developing an Optimization Algorithm to form District Metered Areas in a Water Distribution System
(2016)Exploiting the numerous possibilities that unfold from the inter-connection of Matlab and Epanet software, an algorithm is produced in C++ language. The algorithm reads all the significant data of the water distribution ... -
An internet of things architecture for preserving privacy of energy consumption
(2016)Energy consumption by residential customers represents today around 30 to 40% of the total consumed energy, with the residential loads often to be charged for significant contribution to the peak demands both seasonal and ... -
Investigating Wireless Sensor Network lifetime under static routing with unequal energy distribution
(2012)In a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) the sensed data must be gathered and transmitted to a base station where it is further processed by end users. Since that kind of network consists of low-power nodes with limited battery ... -
Market design for the simultaneous optimization of the Day-Ahead market and the reliability unit commitment applications
(2013)The design of restructured electricity markets requires a mechanism to ensure that differences between the bid-in demand that clears in the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) and the ISO's demand forecast do not compromise reliability ... -
Optimal energy storage control policies for the smart power grid
(2011)Electric energy storage devices are prime candidates for demand load management in the smart power grid. In this work, we address the optimal energy storage control problem from the side of the utility operator. The operator ... -
An RTL-to-grid design flow for power grid verification based on a statistical estimation engine
(2006)The most important reliability problem of modern power distribution networks is the voltage drop or IR-drop problem. In this paper we present a design flow based on industrial tools for power grid verification, where the ... -
A statistically-based engine for P/G network optimization
(2005)The problem of optimum design of general (tree or graph-based) power distribution networks with respect to the voltage drop effect is addressed in this paper. A rigorous formulation based on linear circuit theory is ... -
Voltage-drop-constrained optimization of power distribution network based on reliable maximum current estimates
(2004)The problem of optimum design of tree-shaped power distribution networks with respect to the voltage drop effect is addressed in this paper. An approach for the width adjustment of the power lines supplying the circuit's ...