Parcourir par sujet "Computer software"
Voici les éléments 1-20 de 37
Application of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to water demand prediction
(2015)This article is focused on the issue of learning of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps designed to model and predict time series. The multi-step supervised-learning based-on-gradient methods as well as population-based learning, with ... -
Application of ICT technology in physics education: Teaching and learning elementary oscillations with the aid of simulation software
(2008)In the present study we employ a combination of laboratory exercises and simulation. In particular we studied the case of teaching mechanical oscillations to undergraduate students of Polytechnic and Pedagogical departments. ... -
Applying constructivism for interactive educational software: A research based design, implementation and evaluation method
(2004)We have designed, developed and evaluated the educational software entitled "Interaction between objects" within the framework of social constructivism on the basis of the data issued from a preceded research with teachers ... -
Assessing the impact of dmas and the use of boosters on chlorination in a water distribution network in Greece
(2021)Disinfection is one of the most important water treatment processes as it inactivates pathogens providing safe drinking water to the consumers. A fresh-water distribution network is a complex system where constant monitoring ... -
Comparison of the EN 15251 and Ashrae Standard 55 adaptive thermal comfort models in the context of a Mediterranean climate
(2011)Strong heat waves in the past decade and resulting legal cases which gave full responsibility for indoor thermal comfort to building professionals lead to an increased uncertainty how to maintain thermal comfort in offices ... -
Design and development of innovative physics simulations and teaching materials for the learning of the concept of energy
(2008)This paper describes an innovative educational approach for the teaching of the concept of energy, by the use of 12 simulations developed with the educational software "Modellus". The concept of energy is a very abstract ... -
Developing an Optimization Algorithm to form District Metered Areas in a Water Distribution System
(2016)Exploiting the numerous possibilities that unfold from the inter-connection of Matlab and Epanet software, an algorithm is produced in C++ language. The algorithm reads all the significant data of the water distribution ... -
The educational software "Phenomena and models of the physical world" and the learning of electrostatic phenomena
(2008)The aim of the present research was to reach conclusions on whether the educational software "Phenomena and models of the physical world" can help students develop representations of the structure of matter in the microscopic ... -
Efficient processing of all-k-nearest-neighbor queries in the MapReduce programming framework
(2019)Numerous modern applications, from social networking to astronomy, need efficient answering of queries on spatial data. One such query is the All k Nearest-Neighbor Query, or k Nearest-Neighbor Join, that takes as input ... -
Electron trap filling and emptying through simulations: Studying the shift of the maximum intensity position in Thermoluminescence and Linearly Modulated Optically Stimulated Luminescence curves
(2022)In the present work, the response of peak positions in Linearly Modulated Optically Stimulated Luminescence (LM-OSL) curves as a function of physical and technical parameters were investigated and compared theoretically; ... -
A general-purpose spray coating deposition software simulator
(2020)In this work the coating thickness from a high kinetic energy spray process is predicted as a function of the gun and object kinematics. The developed simulation package is capable of handling complex parts of arbitrary ... -
HEVC decoder optimization in low power configurable architecture for wireless devices
(2015)High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is the new video compression standard, reducing bitrates nearly at half compared to H.264, offering potentially significant power savings for wireless video transmission at the network ... -
High-Level Annotation of Routing Congestion for Xilinx Vivado HLS Designs
(2021)Ever since transistor cost stopped decreasing, customized programmable platforms, such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), became a major way to improve software execution performance and energy consumption. While ... -
Impact of climate change on thermal comfort and energy performance in offices - A parametric study
(2012)This paper investigates the impact of climate change on comfort and energy performance in offices in relation to the influence of building design and occupants. It focuses on a typical cellular office room in the context ... -
Implementation of expressions using Python in stimulated luminescence analysis
(2022)In Thermoluminescence (TL) and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL), the study of complex experimental TL glow curves and OSL signal processing, also known as deconvolution, was revolutionized by using a single, analytic ... -
Improving technical trading systems by using a new MATLAB-based genetic algorithm procedure
(2007)Recent studies in financial markets suggest that technical analysis can be a very useful tool in predicting the trend. Trading systems are widely used for market assessment; however, parameter optimization of these systems ... -
Influence of random soil strength properties on the earthquake vulnerability of slopes with embedded oil and natural gas pipelines
(2021)Numerous pipeline systems carrying oil and natural gas, passing through geologically unstable areas worldwide are vulnerable to seismically induced slope instability, large ground displacements and settlements. Such ground ... -
Integrating logistics and transportation simulation tools for long-term planning
(2019)The complexity that underlies in transport systems and logistics necessitate the integration of different models that are capable of overcoming potential limitations when considering tools individually. This paper focuses ... -
Modeling of complex gas distribution systems operating under any vacuum conditions: Simulations of the ITER divertor pumping system
(2016)An integrated software tool for modeling and simulation of complex gas distribution systems operating under any vacuum conditions is presented and validated. The algorithm structure includes (a) the input geometrical and ... -
Modelling of spiral-welded pipe manufacturing and its effect on pipeline structural performance
(2016)The increasing use of large-diameter spiral-welded pipes in demanding hydrocarbon pipeline applications constitutes an engineering challenge, which requires the definition of an appropriate strain-design framework. In the ...