Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "CHICKENS"
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Dietary Supplementation of Benzoic Acid and Essential Oil Compounds Affects Buffering Capacity of the Feeds, Performance of Turkey Poults and Their Antioxidant Status, pH in the Digestive Tract, Intestinal Microbiota and Morphology
(2014)Three trials were conducted to evaluate the effect of supplementation of a basal diet with benzoic acid or thymol or a mixture of essential oil blends (MEO) or a combination of benzoic acid with MEO (BMEO) on growth ... -
Pharmacokinetics and clinical assessment of amoxicillin for the control of necrotic enteritis in broiler-breeders under field conditions
(2015)Necrotic enteritis (NE) is an acute clostridium infection characterised by sudden onset, high mortality and severe necrosis of intestinal mucosa. The present study was conducted to clinically assess the efficacy of amoxicillin ... -
The structure of feeding behavior in commercial broiler lines selected for different growth rates
(2009)Selection for increased growth rate in livestock is accompanied by increased requirements for food resources. It has been suggested that more intensively selected birds, such as broilers, have altered food intake control ...