Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "CHALLENGES"
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Assessment of wastewater effluent quality in Thessaly region, Greece, for determining its irrigation reuse potential
(2011)The objective of the present study is to assess wastewater effluent quality in Thessaly region Greece in relation to its physicochemical and microbiological burden as well as its toxic potential on a number of organisms ... -
Association of LRRK2 exonic variants with susceptibility to Parkinson's disease: a case-control study
(2011)Background The leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 gene (LRRK2) harbours highly penetrant mutations that are linked to familial parkinsonism. However, the extent of its polymorphic variability in relation to risk of Parkinson's ... -
Behavioural Adaptation towards Efficient Resource Sharing under the Lack of Communication
(2013)This paper introduces a novel multi-agent model for simulating water sharing scenarios under various irrigation policies, together with a novel self adaptive learning algorithm that achieves efficient resource allocation. ... -
Detection and Zoonotic Potential of Trichinella spp. from Free-Range Pig Farming in Greece
(2012)Trichinellosis is a serious parasitic zoonosis, which is widely distributed around the world. Pork meat is still the predominant source of outbreaks of human trichinellosis in many countries. The aim of this study is to ... -
An Evaluation of the Physiological Strain Experienced by Electrical Utility Workers in North America
(2015)The purpose of this study was to assess the physiological strain experienced by North American electrical utility workers during the performance of their normal work duties in heat stressed conditions. Three common job ... -
Genome-wide association studies: hypothesis-"free" or "engaged"?
(2009)The advent of the first wave of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) provided a new conceptual framework in the search for variants underlying common disorders: a massive scan of the genome, free from underlying assumptions ... -
Innovative Methods for the Benefit of Public Health Using Space Technologies for Disaster Response
(2015)Space applications have evolved to play a significant role in disaster relief by providing services including remote sensing imagery for mitigation and disaster damage assessments; satellite communication to provide access ... -
Investigation of farmers' willingness to pay for using recycled water for irrigation in Thessaly region, Greece
(2010)The objective of the present study was to investigate farmers' willingness to pay for using recycled water for irrigation purposes in Thessaly region, Greece. The method followed for the above analysis was the contingent ... -
A multicriteria analysis application for evaluating the possibility of reusing wastewater for irrigation purposes in a Greek region
(2012)The objective of the present study was the evaluation of the possibility that the use of reclaimed municipal wastewater for irrigation purposes in a Greek region is sustainable. The irrigation uses that were examined ...