• Digital game-based learning in a robotics course 

      Mendonca M., Papageorgiou K., Mello D.E.D., Papageorgiou E.I., Fabri J.A., Souza L.B.D., Palacios R.H.C. (2020)
      This paper deals with two experiments regarding games developed in Scratch in the course of robotics at the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná campus Cornélio Procópio (UTFPR-CP) to assist in the learning of an ...
    • Sink Group Betweenness Centrality 

      Fragkou E., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y. (2021)
      This article introduces the concept of Sink Group Node Betweenness centrality to identify those nodes in a network that can "monitor"the geodesic paths leading towards a set of subsets of nodes; it generalizes both the ...