Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "Availability"
Αποτελέσματα 1-6 από 6
An exact solution algorithm for maximizing the fleet availability of an aircraft unit subject to flight and maintenance requirements
(2013)Flight and Maintenance Planning (FMP) of mission aircraft addresses the question of which available aircraft to fly and for how long, and which grounded aircraft to perform maintenance operations on, in a group of aircraft ... -
Integrating uncertainty quantification in reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) analysis in the conceptual and preliminary stages of chemical process design
(2021)Traditional analysis of a proposed process design uses average input values in the performance assessment model, thereby generating single-point estimates. The resulting estimates ignore reliability, availability, and ... -
Mitigation of operational failures via an economic framework of reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) during conceptual design
(2020)Abnormal process situation may lead to tremendous negative impact on sustainability, wellbeing of workers and adjacent communities, company's profit, and stability of supply chains. Failure of equipment and process subsystems ... -
Mixed integer biobjective quadratic programming for maximum-value minimum-variability fleet availability of a unit of mission aircraft
(2017)We consider the FMP problem encountered in the Hellenic Air Force (HAF), that is, the problem of issuing individual flight and maintenance plans for a group of aircraft comprising a unit, so as to maximize the fleet ... -
Moving Towards a Blockchain-Based Healthcare Information System
(2019)One of the major problems that a national health system face is the lack of a unified clinical data management. In Greece, the critical and sensitive medical data generated during a patient lifetime are fragmented in one ... -
Reliability and maintainability analysis of cheese (feta) production line in a Greek medium-size company: A case study
(2009)Reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) analysis of the cheese production line over a period of 17 months was investigated. The best fit of the failure and repair data between the common theoretical distributions ...