Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "2-PHASE POTENTIALS"
Αποτελέσματα 1-5 από 5
Antiplane deformation of a partially bonded elliptical inclusion
(1997)A new method that introduces two holomorphic potential functions (the two-phase potentials) is applied to analyze the antiplane deformation of an elliptical inhomogeneity partially-bonded to an infinite matrix. Elastic ... -
Nonplanar interfacial cracks in anisotropic bimaterials
(1999)This paper presents a general approach for the two-dimensional elastic problem of a crack lying along an elliptical interface seperating two dissimilar anisotropic materials. The analysis is based upon the use of the ... -
Thermal Green's functions in plane anisotropic bimaterials
(2004)Green's functions solutions are presented for the plane problems of a thermal source and a thermal dislocation near the interface between two anisotropic, perfectly bonded semi-infinite bodies with different thermo-mechanical ... -
Two-phase potentials in anisotropic elasticity: antiplane deformation
(1998)Based upon the Lekhnitskii-Eshelby approach of two-dimensional anisotropic elasticity, it is shown that only one holomorphic function can fully describe the antiplane deformation of a composite consisting of two discrete ... -
Two-phase potentials in the analysis of smart composites having piezoelectrical components
(1998)The piezoelectric smart composite material consisting of two discrete phases of hexagonal piezoelectric crystals is subjected to mechanical and electric loads causing out-of-plane displacement and in-plane electric field. ...