• Risk analysis of industrial structures under extreme transient loads 

      Talaslidis, D. G.; Manolis, G. D.; Paraskevopoulos, E.; Panagiotopoulos, C.; Pelekasis, N.; Tsamopoulos, J. A. (2004)
      A modular analysis package is assembled for assessing risk in typical industrial structural units such as steel storage tanks, due to extreme transient loads that are produced either as a result of chemical explosions in ...
    • Secondary Bjerknes forces between two bubbles and the phenomenon of acoustic streamers 

      Pelekasis, N. A.; Gaki, A.; Doinikov, A.; Tsamopoulos, J. A. (2004)
      The translational velocities of two spherical gas bubbles oscillating in water, which is irradiated by a high-intensity acoustic wave field, are calculated. The two bubbles are assumed to be located far enough apart so ...