• Comparison of two fuzzy algorithms in geodemographic segmentation analysis: The fuzzy C-means and Gustafson-Kessel methods 

      Grekousis, G.; Thomas, H. (2012)
      Clustering techniques are frequently used to analyze census data and obtain meaningful large-scale groups. Geodemographic segmentation involves classifying small geographic areas e for example, block groups, census tracts, ...
    • The state of hepatitis B and C in the mediterranean and balkan countries: Report from a summit conference 

      Hatzakis, A.; Van Damme, P.; Alcorn, K.; Gore, C.; Benazzouz, M.; Berkane, S.; Buti, M.; Carballo, M.; Cortes Martins, H.; Deuffic-Burban, S.; Dominguez, A.; Donoghoe, M.; Elzouki, A. N.; Ben-Alaya Bouafif, N.; Esmat, G.; Esteban, R.; Fabri, M.; Fenton, K.; Goldberg, D.; Goulis, I.; Hadjichristodoulou, T.; Hatzigeorgiou, T.; Hamouda, O.; Hasurdjiev, S.; Hughes, S.; Kautz, A.; Malik, M.; Manolakopoulos, S.; Matičič, M.; Papatheodoridis, G.; Peck, R.; Peterle, A.; Potamitis, G.; Prati, D.; Roudot-Thoraval, F.; Reic, T.; Sharara, A.; Shennak, M.; Shiha, G.; Shouval, D.; Sočan, M.; Thomas, H.; Thursz, M.; Tosti, M.; Trépo, C.; Vince, A.; Vounou, E.; Wiessing, L.; Manns, M. (2013)
      The burden of disease due to chronic viral hepatitis constitutes a global threat. In many Balkan and Mediterranean countries, the disease burden due to viral hepatitis remains largely unrecognized, including in high-risk ...