Πλοήγηση ανά Συγγραφέα "Papastergiou, P."
Analysis of seawater microbiological quality data in Greece from 1997 to 2006: association of risk factors with bacterial indicators
Papastergiou, P.; Mouchtouri, V.; Karanika, M.; Kostara, E.; Kolokythopoulou, F.; Mpitsolas, N.; Papaioannou, A.; Hadjichristodoulou, C. (2009)This study deals with the examination of quality of seawater bathing areas in Greece over a 10-year period and identifies risk factors for high bacteria indicator organism concentrations. Qualitative descriptive analysis ... -
Application of multivariate statistical methods for groundwater physicochemical and biological quality assessment in the context of public health
Papaioannou, A.; Mavridou, A.; Hadjichristodoulou, C.; Papastergiou, P.; Pappa, O.; Dovriki, E.; Rigas, I. (2010)Three representative areas (lowland, semi-mountainous, and coastal) have been selected for the collection of drinking water samples, and a total number of 28 physical, chemical, and biological parameters per water sample ... -
Assessment and Modelling of Groundwater Quality Data by Environmetric Methods in the Context of Public Health
Papaioannou, A.; Dovriki, E.; Rigas, N.; Plageras, P.; Rigas, I.; Kokkora, M.; Papastergiou, P. (2010)Various chemometric methods were used to analyze and model potable water quality data. Twenty water quality parameters were measured at 164 different sites in three representative areas (low land, semi-mountainous, and ... -
Bather density as a predominant factor for health effects related to recreational bathing: Results from the Greek bathers cohort study
Papastergiou, P.; Mouchtouri, V. A.; Rachiotis, G.; Pinaka, O.; Katsiaflaka, A.; Hadjichristodoulou, C. (2011)Our aim was to examine the health effects on bathers from exposure to recreational seawater on three beaches with different microbiology quality and bather density through a cohort study. An initial questionnaire and a 10 ... -
Determinants of Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) among Non Smoking Adolescents (Aged 11-17 Years Old) in Greece: Results from the 2004-2005 GYTS Study
Rachiotis, G.; Siziya, S.; Muula, A. S.; Rudatsikira, E.; Papastergiou, P.; Hadjichristodoulou, C. (2010)The aim of the study is to investigate the determinants of exposure to ETS among Greek adolescents aged 11-17 years old. The GYTS questionnaire was completed by 5,179 adolescents. About 3 in 4 responders (76.8%) were exposed ... -
Development and assessment of a questionnaire for a descriptive cross - sectional study concerning parents' knowledge, attitudes and practises in antibiotic use in Greece
Panagakou, S. G.; Theodoridou, M. N.; Papaevangelou, V.; Papastergiou, P.; Syrogiannopoulos, G. A.; Goutziana, G. P.; Hadjichristodoulou, C. S. (2009)Background: Upper Respiratory Infections (URIs) are common in children. The cause is usually viral, but parents' attitude often contributes to inappropriate antibiotic prescribing, promoting antibiotic resistance. The ... -
Diagnostic Clinical and Laboratory Findings in Response to Predetermining Bacterial Pathogen: Data from the Meningitis Registry
Karanika, M.; Vasilopoulou, V. A.; Katsioulis, A. T.; Papastergiou, P.; Theodoridou, M. N.; Hadjichristodoulou, C. S. (2009)Background: Childhood Meningitis continues to be an important cause of mortality in many countries. The search for rapid diagnosis of acute bacterial meningitis has lead to the further exploration of prognostic factors. ... -
Elevated Bathing-Associated Disease Risks Despite Certified Water Quality: A Cohort Study
Papastergiou, P.; Mouchtouri, V.; Pinaka, O.; Katsiaflaka, A.; Rachiotis, G.; Hadjichristodoulou, C. (2012)Bacteriological water quality criteria have been recommended to ensure bathers' health. However, this risk-assessment approach is based mainly on routine measurements of fecal pollution indicator bacteria in seawater, and ... -
Epidemiological study of Q fever in humans, ruminant animals, and ticks in Cyprus using a geographical information system
Psaroulaki, A.; Hadjichristodoulou, C.; Loukaides, F.; Soteriades, E.; Konstantinidis, A.; Papastergiou, P.; Ioannidou, M. C.; Tselentis, Y. (2006)A cross-sectional study of Q fever was conducted in a representative sample of the human and animal population in Cyprus in order to assess the seroprevalence of Q fever and the prevalence of related risk factors. A total ... -
Evaluation and comparison of fluorescence polarization assay with three of the currently used serological tests in diagnosis of human brucellosis
Konstantinidis, A.; Minas, A.; Pournaras, S.; Kansouzidou, A.; Papastergiou, P.; Maniatis, A.; Stathakis, N.; Hadjichristodoulou, C. (2007)Fluorescence polarization assay (FPA) is a method that has been used for the diagnosis of brucellosis in animals for many years. To test its possible usefulness for the diagnosis of human brucellosis, 230 sera from patients ... -
Management of environmental health issues for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games: is enhanced integrated environmental health surveillance needed in every day routine operation?
Hadjichristodoulou, C.; Mouchtouri, V.; Vaitsi, V.; Kapoula, C.; Vousoureli, A.; Kalivitis, I.; Chervoni, J.; Papastergiou, P.; Vasilogiannakopoulos, A.; Daniilidis, V. D.; Kremastinou, J. (2006)Background: Management of environmental health issues is an integral part of public health systems. An active integrated environmental health surveillance and response system was developed for the Athens Olympics to monitor ... -
Regional differences in mortality in Greece (1984-2004): The case of Thrace
Papastergiou, P.; Rachiotis, G.; Polyzou, K.; Zilidis, C.; Hadjichristodoulou, C. (2008)Background: Mortality differences at national level can generate hypothesis on possible causal association that could be further investigated. The aim of the present study was to identify regions with high mortality rates ... -
Tobacco use among students aged 13-15 years in Greece: the GYTS project
Kyrlesi, A.; Soteriades, E. S.; Warren, C. W.; Kremastinou, J.; Papastergiou, P.; Jones, N. R.; Hadjichristodoulou, C. (2007)Background: Data on the prevalence of tobacco use among teenagers in Greece are limited. We examined the prevalence of smoking among middle-school students in Greece using the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS). Methods: ...