Listar por autor "Papaspyrou, S."
Mostrando ítems 1-6 de 6
Abdominal setae and midgut bacteria of the mudshrimp Pestarella tyrrhena
Demiri, A.; Meziti, A.; Papaspyrou, S.; Thessalou-Legaki, M.; Kormas, K. A. (2009)We investigated the diversity of the bacterial 16S rRNA genes occurring on the abdominal setal tufts and in the emptied midgut of the marine mudshrimp Pestarella tyrrhena (Decapoda: Thalassinidea). There were no dominant ... -
Environmental variation and macrofauna response in a coastal area influenced by land runoff
Akoumianaki, I.; Papaspyrou, S.; Kormas, K. A.; Nicolaidou, A. (2013)Macrofauna community interactions with environmental variables in the water column (salinity, temperature, turbidity, transparency, suspended particulate matter, particulate organic matter, choloroplastic pigments) and in ... -
Longitudinal sloshing effects in half full horizontal cylindrical vessels
Papaspyrou, S.; Valougeorgis, D.; Karamanos, S. A. (2003)A semi-analytical mathematical model is developed for sloshing effects in half-full horizontal cylindrical viscous liquid vessels, under arbitrary longitudinal external excitation. The velocity potential is expressed in a ... -
Refined solutions of externally induced sloshing in half-full spherical containers
Papaspyrou, S.; Valougeorgis, D.; Karamanos, S. A. (2003)A mathematical model is developed for calculating liquid sloshing effects such as hydrodynamic pressures and forces in half-full spherical containers under arbitrary external excitation. The velocity potential is expressed ... -
Response of half-full horizontal cylinders under transverse excitation
Papaspyrou, S.; Karamanos, S. A.; Valougeorgis, D. (2004)The present work investigates the response of half full horizontal cylindrical vessels under external excitation in the transverse direction. A two dimensional mathematical model is developed to describe sloshing effects ... -
Sloshing effects in half-full horizontal cylindrical vessels under longitudinal excitation
Papaspyrou, S.; Valougeorgis, D.; Karamanos, S. A. (2004)A mathematical model is developed for sloshiug effects in half-full horizontal cylindrical vessels, under external excitation in the direction of the longitudinal vessel axis. In this geometry the problem is not separable. ...