Πλοήγηση ανά Συγγραφέα "Loukides, S."
Associations between BODE Index and Systemic Inflammatory Biomarkers in COPD
Gaki, E.; Kontogianni, K.; Papaioannou, A. I.; Bakakos, P.; Gourgoulianis, K. I.; Kostikas, K.; Alchanatis, M.; Papiris, S.; Loukides, S. (2011)Background: COPD is a multicomponent disease and systemic inflammation represents one of the possible mechanisms responsible for its systemic manifestations, including skeletal muscle weakness and cachexia. Fat-free mass ... -
Biomarkers in the exhaled breath condensate of healthy adults: Mapping the path towards reference values
Koutsokera, A.; Loukides, S.; Gourgoulianis, K. I.; Kostikas, K. (2008)The need for non-invasive assessment of airway inflammation is imperative, since inflammatory airway diseases, such as asthma and COPD, are characterized by variation in their clinical presentation throughout their course. ... -
Biomarkers Obtained by Non-Invasive Methods in Patients with COPD: Where do we Stand, what do we Expect?
Hillas, G.; Loukides, S.; Kostikas, K.; Bakakos, P. (2009)Recently, there has been widespread interest in the use of non-invasive methods for the assessment of airway inflammation in a variety of lung diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD). Sputum induction ... -
Do we overtreat mild persistent asthma?
Loukides, S.; Kostikas, K.; Bakakos, P. (2009) -
Exhaled breath condensate in asthma: From bench to bedside
Loukides, S.; Kontogianni, K.; Hillas, G.; Horvath, I. (2011)The need for non-invasive assessment of airway inflammation is imperative, since inflammatory airway diseases, such as asthma and COPD, are characterized by variation in their clinical presentation throughout their course. ... -
Exhaled breath condensate in patients with asthma: implications for application in clinical practice
Kostikas, K.; Koutsokera, A.; Papiris, S.; Gourgoulianis, K. I.; Loukides, S. (2008)Exhaled breath condensate (EBC) analysis, a rather appealing and promising method, can be used to evaluate conveniently and non-invasively a wide range of molecules from the respiratory tract, and to understand better the ... -
Exhaled breath condensate pH as a biomarker of COPD severity in ex-smokers
Papaioannou, A. I.; Loukides, S.; Minas, M.; Kontogianni, K.; Bakakos, P.; Gourgoulianis, K. I.; Alchanatis, M.; Papiris, S.; Kostikas, K. (2011)Endogenous airway acidification, as assessed by exhaled breath condensate (EBC) pH, is present in patients with stable COPD. The aim of this study was to measure EBC pH levels in a large cohort of COPD patients and to ... -
Exhaled NO and exhaled breath condensate pH in the evaluation of asthma control
Kostikas, K.; Papaioannou, A. I.; Tanou, K.; Giouleka, P.; Koutsokera, A.; Minas, M.; Papiris, S.; Gourgoulianis, K. I.; Taylor, D. R.; Loukides, S. (2011)Background: Asthma is a chronic inflammatory airways disorder. However, no biomarker of airways inflammation has been included in the assessment of asthma control. Objective: To evaluate exhaled NO (FeNO) and exhaled breath ... -
Global assessment of the COPD patient: Time to look beyond FEV1?
Papaioannou, A. I.; Loukides, S.; Gourgoulianis, K. I.; Kostikas, K. (2009)COPD is a diverse disease entity with multiple dimensions that uniquely define the patient's performance, morbidity and mortality. FEV1 is both the traditional metric used to define the progression of COPD as well as the ... -
Hemoglobin, erythropoietin and systemic inflammation in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Markoulaki, D.; Kostikas, K.; Papatheodorou, G.; Koutsokera, A.; Alchanatis, M.; Bakakos, P.; Gourgoulianis, K. I.; Roussos, C.; Koulouris, N. G.; Loukides, S. (2011)Background: Systemic inflammation may represent a possible cause of anemia. Previous data support that anemic patients with COPD present high erythropoietin (EPO) levels, suggestive of EPO resistance, possibly mediated ... -
Isocapnic Cold Air Challenge in Patients with COPD: Are There any Predisposing Factors?
Kostikas, K.; Koutsoumbou, S.; Karamanis, T.; Papatheodorou, G.; Loukides, S. (2008)Cold air hyperventilation is an indirect challenge (cold air challenge, CACh) with high specificity and low sensitivity in defining asthmatic subjects. A small proportion of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) ... -
Plasma leptin and adiponectin in COPD exacerbations: Associations with inflammatory biomarkers
Krommidas, G.; Kostikas, K.; Papatheodorou, G.; Koutsokera, A.; Gourgoulianis, K. I.; Roussos, C.; Koulouris, N. G.; Loukides, S. (2010)Background: Various systemic inflammatory markers have been evaluated for their value in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Leptin and adiponectin have been linked to acute exacerbations ... -
www.myasthma.gr A greek website for patients with asthma
Kostikas, K.; Loukides, S.; Zervas, E.; Gourgoulianis, K.; Gaga, M. (2012)