Πλοήγηση ανά Συγγραφέα "Lisgara, M."
Associations between claw lesions and reproductive performance of sows in three Greek herds
Lisgara, M.; Skampardonis, V.; Angelidou, E.; Kouroupides, S.; Leontides, L. (2015)Claw lesions, which are nowadays very common in sows, are associated with a high risk of early culling and compromised welfare. In this study, we investigated the associations between the severity of claw lesions and three ... -
Hoof lesions and lameness in sows in three Greek swine herds
Lisgara, M.; Skampardonis, V.; Kouroupides, S.; Leontides, L. (2015)Objectives: To characterize foot lesions, estimate their frequency and severity, and investigate their association with parity and lameness in three Greek farrow-to-finish swine herds. Materials and methods: The studied ...