Auflistung nach Autor "Latorre, I."
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A multicentre evaluation of the accuracy and performance of IP-10 for the diagnosis of infection with M. tuberculosis
Ruhwald, M.; Dominguez, J.; Latorre, I.; Losi, M.; Richeldi, L.; Pasticci, M. B.; Mazzolla, R.; Goletti, D.; Butera, O.; Bruchfeld, J.; Gaines, H.; Gerogianni, I.; Tuuminen, T.; Ferrara, G.; Eugen-Olsen, J.; Ravn, P. (2011)IP-10 has potential as a diagnostic marker for infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, with comparable accuracy to QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT-IT). The aims were to assess the sensitivity and specificity of ... -
Risk Assessment of Tuberculosis in Immunocompromised Patients A TBNET Study
Sester, M.; van Leth, F.; Bruchfeld, J.; Bumbacea, D.; Cirillo, D. M.; Dilektasli, A. G.; Dominguez, J.; Duarte, R.; Ernst, M.; Eyuboglu, F. O.; Gerogianni, I.; Girardi, E.; Goletti, D.; Janssens, J. P.; Julander, I.; Lange, B.; Latorre, I.; Losi, M.; Markova, R.; Matteelli, A.; Milburn, H.; Ravn, P.; Scholman, T.; Soccal, P. M.; Straub, M.; Wagner, D.; Wolf, T.; Yalcin, A.; Lange, C.; Tbnet (2014)Rationale: In the absence of active tuberculosis, a positive tuberculin skin test (TST) or interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) result defines latent infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, although test results may ...