Πλοήγηση ανά Συγγραφέα "Koumpis, A."
Intuitive user interfaces to help boost adoption of internet-of-things and internet-of-content services for all
Tektonidis, D.; Karagiannidis, C.; Kouroupetroglou, C.; Koumpis, A. (2014)The idea we promote in the chapter is to provide better support to users with disabilities and impairments from the comfort of their home by means of providing them with a set of scalable services which can be either offered ... -
Learning assets innovation - Serving the inclusion needs of the socially, intellectually, and physically disadvantaged
Karagiannidis, C.; Decker, B.; Kouroupetroglou, C.; Koumpis, A. (2014)We aim to deploy and validate a novel approach for mainstreaming inclusiveness and accessibility related solutions which can be programmed, distributed and executed in the form of Applications, thus capitalizing on the ... -
Multi-vocality and post-processualism as methodological assets of the 'Collaboration game'
Karagiannidis, C.; Efraimidou, S.; Koumpis, A. (2011)In recent years the gap between educational theory and practice has been closing, but although there have been calls for 'reflexivity', there has been little critical examination of its meanings. Proposed reflexive ... -
Social networking to support collaborative interactions in special education
Karagiannidis, C.; Efraimidou, S.; Koumpis, A. (2010)This paper proposes a framework for the collaboration of teachers in special education. The framework builds on, and extends, social networking services, in order to facilitate collaboration amongst the various categories ... -
Special needs at different educational levels: A forecast of 2020
Karagiannidis, C.; Kouroupetroglou, C.; Koumpis, A. (2012)This paper reports on the results of the eAccessibility 2020 study which was funded by the European Commission to explore and analyse the relationships between the emerging Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) ...