Πλοήγηση ανά Συγγραφέα "Karypidis, A."
Ad-hoc composition in wearable and mobile computing - Changing computing capabilities can be as easy as changing outfits
Lalis, S.; Karypidis, A.; Savidis, A. (2005) -
Automated context aggregation and file annotation for PAN-based computing
Karypidis, A.; Lalis, S. (2007)This paper presents a method for automatically annotating files created on portable devices with contextual metadata. We achieve this through the combination of two system components. One is a context dissemination mechanism ... -
Context-based storage management for wearable and portable devices
Karypidis, A.; Lalis, S. (2005)In our information-rich world, managing the data we collect is becoming a significant bottleneck for users. This issue has triggered considerable research in so-called semantic file systems, relying on the attachment of ... -
Exploiting co-location history for efficient service selection in ubiquitous computing systems
Karypidis, A.; Lalis, S. (2005)As the ubiquitous computing vision materializes, the number and diversity of digital elements in our environment increases. Computing capability comes in various forms and is embedded in different physical objects, ranging ... -
OmniStore: A system for ubiquitous personal storage management
Karypidis, A.; Lalis, S. (2006)As personal area networking becomes a reality, the collective management of storage in portable devices such as mobile phones, cameras and music players will grow in importance. The increasing wireless communication ... -
OmniStore: Automating data management in a personal system comprising several portable devices
Karypidis, A.; Lalis, S. (2007)The ever growing amount of data generated and consumed on the move using portable devices gives rise to serious data management issues. The fact that each person may own and is likely to carry several such devices further ... -
Runtime support for a dynamically composable and adaptive wearable system
Lalis, S.; Karypidis, A.; Savidis, A.; Stephanidis, C. (2003)We present a versatile personal system comprising wearable and portable devices communicating via shortrange radio. The system can be composed in an ad-hoc fashion, by bringing individual devices in proximity with each ... -
Towards dynamic and cooperative multi-device personal computing
Lalis, S.; Savidis, A.; Karypidis, A.; Gutknecht, J.; Stephanides, C. (2007)In the 2WEAR project we have explored the paradigm of cooperative multi-device personal computing, where different wearable, portable and infrastructure elements communicate with each other in an ad-hoc fashion. The physical ...