Πλοήγηση ανά Συγγραφέα "Chatziioannou K., Huang Y., Karamanos S.A."
Dented externally-pressurised pipes subjected to cyclic axial loading
Chatziioannou K., Huang Y., Karamanos S.A. (2019)The present paper describes a numerical investigation of the mechanical response of externally-pressurized dented stainless-steel pipes, subjected to reverse cyclic axial loading. This is the first part of a large-scale ... -
Simulation of piping ratcheting experiments using advanced plane-stress cyclic elastoplasticity models
Chatziioannou K., Huang Y., Karamanos S.A. (2019)Industrial steel piping components are often subjected to severe cyclic loading conditions which introduce large inelastic strains and can lead to low-cycle fatigue. Modeling of their structural response requires the ...