Πλοήγηση ανά Συγγραφέα "Arrindell, W. A."
The development of a short form of the EMBU: Its appraisal with students in Greece, Guatemala, Hungary and Italy
Arrindell, W. A.; Sanavio, E.; Aguilar, G.; Sica, C.; Hatzichristou, C.; Eisemann, M.; Recinos, L. A.; Gaszner, P.; Peter, M.; Batagliese, G.; Kallai, J.; van der Ende, J. (1999)Out of the necessity of having an abbreviated form of the EMBU, a measure of perceived parental rearing behavior, a short form (s-EMBU) consisting of three scales (Rejection, Emotional Warmth and Protection) with respectively ... -
Dimensions of national culture as predictors of cross-national differences in subjective well-being
Arrindell, W. A.; Hatzichristou, C.; Wensink, J.; Rosenberg, E.; Van Twillert, B.; Stedema, J.; Meijer, D. (1997)The value of predicting cross-national variations in Subjective Well-Being (SWB) from Hofstede's dimensions of national culture (1980) was examined using data collected in 36 nations. The Hofstede dimensions were: Individualism ...