Πλοήγηση ανά Συγγραφέα "Κοράκης, Αθανάσιος"
Classification and obfuscation of joint radar communication signals with deep learning
Ανδριώτης, Μαυρίκιος-Μάριος Π. (2023) -
Control smart-home equipment through Android application
Βαραλής, Αργύριος Σ. (2014) -
Cooperative SVC coded video transmission over wireless network using network coding
Πάσχος, Βασίλειος Η. (2016) -
Design and development of a virtual reality educational application with 5G network capabilities
Θεοδοσίου, Γεώργιος Α. (2023) -
Design and implementation of a camera based WSN device utilizing deep learning for resource optimization
Μαυρίδης, Ιωάννης Δ. (2020) -
Design and implementation of a distributed Web IoT application using microservice architecture for device control and measuring
Θεολόγου, Χρήστος Σ.-Μ. (2020) -
Design and implementation of a tutoring framework using virtual reality
Θεοδοσίου, Γεώργιος Α. (2019) -
Design and implementation of algorithms for cooperative wireless systems in cognitive radio networks
Λεοντίδης, Γεώργιος Χ. (2018) -
Development of a wireless sensor mote based on MSP430 micro-controller
Τουτζιάρης, Αγγελος Π. (2014) -
Dynamic Parameterization of the Operating Characteristics of Wireless SDN Networks Using RL
Πρασσάς, Αποστόλης Ι. (2023) -
Enhancing the NITOS Testbed virtualization capabilities by using Docker Containers
Θεοδοσίου, Παναγιώτης Ν. (2018) -
Implementation and optimization of real-time networking frameworks for containerized remote access applications
Δάλλας, Δημήτριος Γ. (2023) -
Implementation of a mechanism for joint central frequency, bandwidth and station association in WiFi networks
Ηλιάδης, Γρηγόριος Δ. (2023) -
Implementation of estimation algorithms in wireless sensor networks
Παυλίδης, Χαρίλαος Π. (2015) -
Implementation of networking protocols with use of opendaylight in SDN
Καραμιχαηλίδης, Παναγιώτης Α. (2018) -
Machine learning for improved communication between kubernetes – etcd
Ηλιάδης, Ηλίας Γ. (2023) -
MIMO techniques for improving diversity and spatial multiplexing in vehicular networks
Προδρόμου, Νικόλαος Δ. (2015) -
ONOS controller compatibility with P4 programming language for Software Defined Networks
Παυλίδης, Παναγιώτης Γ. (2023) -
Optimization of the collaboration between kubernetes and etcd based on their network infrastructure
Κωτσιαρίδης, Κωνσταντίνος Α. (2022)