• Genome-wide association studies: hypothesis-"free" or "engaged"? 

      Kitsios, G. D.; Zintzaras, E. (2009)
      The advent of the first wave of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) provided a new conceptual framework in the search for variants underlying common disorders: a massive scan of the genome, free from underlying assumptions ...
    • A genome-wide association study identifies a common variant near the GRP22 gene as a new locus involved in prevalence and progression of osteoarthritis 

      Kerkhof, H. J. M.; Jonsdottir, I.; Meulenbelt, I.; Stolk, L.; Valdes, A. M.; Zhai, G.; Zhu, Y.; Doherty, M.; Doherty, S.; Tsezou, A.; Gonzalez, A.; Carr, A.; Felson, D. T.; Styrkarsdottir, U.; Slagboom, E. P.; Loughlin, J.; Rivadeneira, F.; Hofman, A.; Pols, H. A. P.; Spector, T. D.; Uitterlinden, A. G.; van Meurs, J. B. J. (2009)
    • A genome-wide association study identifies an osteoarthritis susceptibility locus on chromosome 7q22 

      Kerkhof, H. J. M.; Lories, R. J.; Meulenbelt, I.; Jonsdottir, I.; Valdes, A. M.; Arp, P.; Ingvarsson, T.; Jhamai, M.; Jonsson, H.; Stolk, L.; Thorleifsson, G.; Zhai, G.; Zhang, F.; Zhu, Y.; Van Der Breggen, R.; Carr, A.; Doherty, M.; Doherty, S.; Felson, D. T.; Gonzalez, A.; Halldorsson, B. V.; Hart, D. J.; Hauksson, V. B.; Hofman, A.; Ioannidis, J. P. A.; Kloppenburg, M.; Lane, N. E.; Loughlin, J.; Luyten, F. P.; Nevitt, M. C.; Parimi, N.; Pols, H. A. P.; Rivadeneira, F.; Slagboom, E. P.; Styrḱarsd́ottir, U.; Tsezou, A.; Van De Putte, T.; Zmuda, J.; Spector, T. D.; Stefansson, K.; Uitterlinden, A. G.; Van Meurs, J. B. J. (2010)
      Objective. To identify novel genes involved in osteoarthritis (OA), by means of a genome-wide association study. Methods. We tested 500,510 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 1,341 Dutch Caucasian OA cases and 3,496 ...
    • Genome-wide association study identifies candidate markers related to lincRNAs associated with male infertility in the Greek population 

      Kyrgiafini M.-A., Markantoni M., Sarafidou T., Chatziparasidou A., Christoforidis N., Mamuris Z. (2020)
      Background: Male infertility is currently one of the most common problems faced by couples worldwide. We performed a GWAS on Greek population and gathered statistically significant SNPs in order to investigate whether they ...

      Kafetzopoulos, D.; Takacs, L.; Kalantzaki, K.; Gkretsi, V.; Zoumadakis, C.; Bei, E. S.; Zervakis, M.; Tsezou, A. (2014)
    • Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 56 bone mineral density loci and reveals 14 loci associated with risk of fracture 

      Estrada, K.; Styrkarsdottir, U.; Evangelou, E.; Hsu, Y. H.; Duncan, E. L.; Ntzani, E. E.; Oei, L.; Albagha, O. M. E.; Amin, N.; Kemp, J. P.; Koller, D. L.; Li, G.; Liu, C. T.; Minster, R. L.; Moayyeri, A.; Vandenput, L.; Willner, D.; Xiao, S. M.; Yerges-Armstrong, L. M.; Zheng, H. F.; Alonso, N.; Eriksson, J.; Kammerer, C. M.; Kaptoge, S. K.; Leo, P. J.; Thorleifsson, G.; Wilson, S. G.; Wilson, J. F.; Aalto, V.; Alen, M.; Aragaki, A. K.; Aspelund, T.; Center, J. R.; Dailiana, Z.; Duggan, D. J.; Garcia, M.; Garcia-Giralt, N.; Giroux, S.; Hallmans, G.; Hocking, L. J.; Husted, L. B.; Jameson, K. A.; Khusainova, R.; Kim, G. S.; Kooperberg, C.; Koromila, T.; Kruk, M.; Laaksonen, M.; Lacroix, A. Z.; Lee, S. H.; Leung, P. C.; Lewis, J. R.; Masi, L.; Mencej-Bedrac, S.; Nguyen, T. V.; Nogues, X.; Patel, M. S.; Prezelj, J.; Rose, L. M.; Scollen, S.; Siggeirsdottir, K.; Smith, A. V.; Svensson, O.; Trompet, S.; Trummer, O.; van Schoor, N. M.; Woo, J.; Zhu, K.; Balcells, S.; Brandi, M. L.; Buckley, B. M.; Cheng, S. L.; Christiansen, C.; Cooper, C.; Dedoussis, G.; Ford, I.; Frost, M.; Goltzman, D.; Gonzalez-Macias, J.; Kahonen, M.; Karlsson, M.; Khusnutdinova, E.; Koh, J. M.; Kollia, P.; Langdahl, B. L.; Leslie, W. D.; Lips, P.; Ljunggren, O.; Lorenc, R. S.; Marc, J.; Mellstrom, D.; Obermayer-Pietsch, B.; Olmos, J. M.; Pettersson-Kymmer, U.; Reid, D. M.; Riancho, J. A.; Ridker, P. M.; Rousseau, F.; Slagboom, P. E.; Tang, N. L. S.; Urreizti, R.; Van Hul, W.; Viikari, J.; Zarrabeitia, M. T.; Aulchenko, Y. S.; Castano-Betancourt, M.; Grundberg, E.; Herrera, L.; Ingvarsson, T.; Johannsdottir, H.; Kwan, T.; Li, R.; Luben, R.; Medina-Gomez, C.; Palsson, S. T.; Reppe, S.; Rotter, J. I.; Sigurdsson, G.; van Meurs, J. B. J.; Verlaan, D.; Williams, F. M. K.; Wood, A. R.; Zhou, Y. H.; Gautvik, K. M.; Pastinen, T.; Raychaudhuri, S.; Cauley, J. A.; Chasman, D. I.; Clark, G. R.; Cummings, S. R.; Danoy, P.; Dennison, E. M.; Eastell, R.; Eisman, J. A.; Gudnason, V.; Hofman, A.; Jackson, R. D.; Jones, G.; Jukema, J. W.; Khaw, K. T.; Lehtimaki, T.; Liu, Y. M.; Lorentzon, M.; McCloskey, E.; Mitchell, B. D.; Nandakumar, K.; Nicholson, G. C.; Oostra, B. A.; Peacock, M.; Pols, H. A. P.; Prince, R. L.; Raitakari, O.; Reid, I. R.; Robbins, J.; Sambrook, P. N.; Sham, P. C.; Shuldiner, A. R.; Tylavsky, F. A.; van Duijn, C. M.; Wareham, N. J.; Cupples, L. A.; Econs, M. J.; Evans, D. M.; Harris, T. B.; Kung, A. W. C.; Psaty, B. M.; Reeve, J.; Spector, T. D.; Streeten, E. A.; Zillikens, M. C.; Thorsteinsdottir, U.; Ohlsson, C.; Karasik, D.; Richards, J. B.; Brown, M. A.; Stefansson, K.; Uitterlinden, A. G.; Ralston, S. H.; Ioannidis, J. P. A.; Kiel, D. P.; Rivadeneira, F. (2012)
      Bone mineral density (BMD) is the most widely used predictor of fracture risk. We performed the largest meta-analysis to date on lumbar spine and femoral neck BMD, including 17 genome-wide association studies and 32,961 ...
    • Genome-wide scans meta-analysis for pulse pressure 

      Zintzaras, E.; Kitsios, G.; Kent, D.; Camp, N. J.; Atwood, L.; Hopkins, P. N.; Hunt, S. C. (2007)
      Genome scans for identifying susceptibility loci for pulse pressure have produced inconclusive results. A heterogeneity-based genome search meta-analysis was applied to available genome-scan data on pulse pressure. A genome ...
    • Genome-Wide Transcriptomic Analysis of Intestinal Tissue to Assess the Impact of Nutrition and a Secondary Nematode Challenge in Lactating Rats 

      Athanasiadou, S.; Jones, L. A.; Burgess, S. T. G.; Kyriazakis, I.; Pemberton, A. D.; Houdijk, J. G. M.; Huntley, J. F. (2011)
      Background: Gastrointestinal nematode infection is a major challenge to the health and welfare of mammals. Although mammals eventually acquire immunity to nematodes, this breaks down around parturition, which renders ...
    • Genomic analysis of recombinant Sabin clinical isolates 

      Paximadi, E.; Karakasiliotis, I.; Mamuris, Z.; Stathopoulos, C.; Krikelis, V.; Markoulatos, P. (2006)
      Recombination in Poliovirus vaccine strains is a very frequent phenomenon. In this report 23 polio/Sabin strains isolated from healthy vaccinees or from VAPP patients after OPV administration, were investigated in order ...
    • Genomic Convergence of Genome-wide Investigations for Complex Traits 

      Kitsios, G. D.; Zintzaras, E. (2009)
      Genome-wide investigations for identifying the genes for complex traits are considered to be agnostic in terms of prior assumptions for the responsible DNA alterations. The agreement of genome-wide association studies ...
    • Genomic diversity and population structure of three autochthonous Greek sheep breeds assessed with genome-wide DNA arrays 

      Michailidou S., Tsangaris G., Fthenakis G.C., Tzora A., Skoufos I., Karkabounas S.C., Banos G., Argiriou A., Arsenos G. (2018)
      In the present study, genome-wide genotyping was applied to characterize the genetic diversity and population structure of three autochthonous Greek breeds: Boutsko, Karagouniko and Chios. Dairy sheep are among the most ...
    • Genomic structure, organization and localization of the acetylcholinesterase locus of the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae 

      Kakani, E. G.; Trakala, M.; Drosopoulou, E.; Mavragani-Tsipidou, P.; Mathiopoulos, K. D. (2013)
      Acetylcholinesterase (AChE), encoded by the ace gene, is a key enzyme of cholinergic neurotransmission. Insensitive acetylcholinesterase (AChE) has been shown to be responsible for resistance to OPs and CBs in a number of ...
    • Genomic variants in the FTO gene are associated with sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Greek patients 

      Mitropoulos K., Papadima E.M., Xiromerisiou G., Balasopoulou A., Charalampidou K., Galani V., Zafeiri K.-V., Dardiotis E., Ralli S., Deretzi G., John A., Kydonopoulou K., Papadopoulou E., Di Pardo A., Akcimen F., Loizedda A., Dobriĉić V., Novaković I., Kostic V.S., Mizzi C., Peters B.A., Basak N., Orrù S., Kiskinis E., Cooper D.N., Gerou S., Drmanac R., Bartsakoulia M., Tsermpini E.-E., Hadjigeorgiou G.M., Ali B.R., Katsila T., Patrinos G.P. (2017)
      Background: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating disease whose complex pathology has been associated with a strong genetic component in the context of both familial and sporadic disease. Herein, we adopted ...
    • Genomics of habitat choice and adaptive evolution in a deep-sea fish 

      Gaither M.R., Gkafas G.A., De Jong M., Sarigol F., Neat F., Regnier T., Moore D., Gröcke D.R., Hall N., Liu X., Kenny J., Lucaci A., Hughes M., Haldenby S., Hoelzel A.R. (2018)
      Intraspecific diversity promotes evolutionary change, and when partitioned among geographic regions or habitats can form the basis for speciation. Marine species live in an environment that can provide as much scope for ...
    • Genotype 4 HCV infection is difficult to cure with pegylated interferon and ribavirin. Results from a Greek Nationwide Cohort Study 

      Anagnostou, O.; Manolakopoulos, S.; Bakoyannis, G.; Papatheodoridis, G.; Zisouli, A.; Raptopoulou-Gigi, M.; Manesis, E.; Ketikoglou, I.; Dalekos, G.; Gogos, C.; Vassiliadis, T.; Tzourmakliotis, D.; Karatapanis, S.; Kanatakis, S.; Zoumpoulis-Vafiadis, I.; Hounta, A.; Koutsounas, S.; Giannoulis, G.; Tassopoulos, N.; Touloumi, G. (2014)
      Background and aim: Patients with genotype 4 (G4) chronic hepatitis C (CHC) are considered a difficult to treat population, although current data on G4 treatment responsiveness and duration are controversial. Greece ...
    • Genotype-Phenotype Relationships in Inheritable Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Greek National Cohort Study 

      Manali E.D., Kannengiesser C., Borie R., Ba I., Bouros D., Markopoulou A., Antoniou K., Kolilekas L., Papaioannou A.I., Tzilas V., Tzouvelekis A., Daniil Z., Fouka E., Papakosta D., Xyfteri A., Karakatsani A., Loukides S., Korbila I., Tomos I.P., Konstantinidis A.K., Gogali A., Steiropoulos P., Papanikolaou I.C., Bazaka C., Haritou A., Vassilakopoulos T., Maniati M., Kagouridis K., Markozannes E., Bouros E., Rampiadou C., Kounti G., Trachalaki A., Dimeas I., Karampitsakos T., Lyberopoulos P., Malamadakis N., Spyropoulou S., Revy P., Lainey E., Dieudé P., Rebah K., Ménard C., Oudin C., Masson C., Plessier A., Legendre M., Nathan N., Coulomb-L'hermine A., Clement A., Amselem S., Boileau C., Crestani B., Papiris S. (2022)
      Background: Monogenic and polygenic inheritances are evidenced for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Pathogenic variations in surfactant protein-related genes, telomere-related genes (TRGs), and a single-nucleotide ...
    • Genotypic differentiation of Monilinia spp. populations in Serbia using a high-resolution melting (HRM) analysis 

      Zambounis A., Stefanidou E., Madesis P., Hrustić J., Mihajlović M., Tanović B. (2021)
      Monilinia laxa, Monilinia fructicola and Monilinia fructigena are the three main causal agents of brown rot, which is one of the most important diseases of stone fruits in pre-and postharvest conditions. Nowadays, the need ...
    • Genotyping of Plasmodium vivax strains from Greece during the 2011 and 2012 outbreaks 

      Spanakos, G.; Alifrangis, M.; Schousboe, M. L.; Patsoula, E.; Tegos, N.; Hansson, H.; Bygbjerg, I. C.; Vakalis, N.; Hadjichristodoulou, C.; Kremastinou, J. (2013)
    • Genotyping Plasmodium vivax isolates from the 2011 outbreak in Greece 

      Spanakos, G.; Alifrangis, M.; Schousboe, M. L.; Patsoula, E.; Tegos, N.; Hansson, H. H.; Bygbjerg, I. C.; Vakalis, N. C.; Tseroni, M.; Kremastinou, J.; Hadjichristodoulou, C. (2013)
      Background: Plasmodium vivax malaria was common in Greece until the 1950s with epidemics involving thousands of cases every year. Greece was declared free of malaria by the World Health Organization in 1974. From 1974 to ...
    • The genus Campylobacter: Detection and isolation methods, species identification & typing techniques 

      Natsos G., Mouttotou N.K., Ahmad S., Kamran Z., Ioannidis A., Koutoulis K.C. (2019)
      Campylobacter is well recognized as the leading cause of bacterial foodborne diarrheal disease worldwide; while, poultry has been identified as a significant cause of campylobacter infection in humans. The C. jejuni has ...