Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • A 16-nm FinFET 16-GHz differential LC-VCO 

      Zographopoulos I., Plessas F., Antonopoulos E.A., Foukalas F. (2015)
      In this paper, a 16-GHz FinFET differential Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) is presented. Filtering is used at the common source node of the cross-coupled transistors as well as other techniques to effectively lower ...
    • Simo subcarrier psk fso links with phase noise and non-zero boresight pointing errors over turbulence channels 

      Varotsos G.K., Nistazakis H.E., Gappmair W., Sandalidis H.G., Tombras G.S. (2019)
      Terrestrial free-space optical (FSO) communication systems with subcarrier intensity modulation have experienced a particular research attention in the recent past. However, their performance strongly degrades in the ...
    • Temperature compensated ring oscillator based VCO 

      Souliotis G., Keramida E., Plessas F., Malatesta R., Vlassis S. (2022)
      Frequency drift due to temperature variations is a crucial design consideration and cannot always be compensated by a phase-locked loop especially when low-gain, multiband oscillators are employed. A ring oscillator ...