Anzeige der Dokumente 1-13 von 13

    • Acceptability of Self-Sampling for Human Papillomavirus-Based Cervical Cancer Screening 

      Chatzistamatiou K., Vrekoussis T., Tsertanidou A., Moysiadis T., Mouchtaropoulou E., Pasentsis K., Kitsou A., Moschaki V., Ntoula M., Zempili P., Halatsi D., Truva T., Piha V., Agelena G., Daponte A., Vanakara P., Paschopoulos M., Stefos T., Lymberis V., Kontomanolis E.N., Makrigiannakis A., Deligeoroglou E., Panoskaltsis T., Adonakis G., Michail G., Stamatopoulos K., Agorastos T. (2020)
      Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV)-DNA testing combined with self-sampling could increase cervical cancer screening effectiveness, utilizing a sensitive screening modality and an easy sampling method with minimal pain ...
    • Awareness of human papilloma virus and cervical cancer prevention among Greek female healthcare workers 

      Farazi P.A., Hadji P., Roupa Z. (2017)
      The incidence rate of cervical cancer varies by geographic region, with less developed regions showing the highest rates. All risk factors for cervical cancer are actually preventable if appropriate lifestyle changes are ...
    • Genetic variability of the HPV16 early genes and LCR. Present and future perspectives 

      Bletsa G., Zagouri F., Amoutzias G.D., Nikolaidis M., Zografos E., Markoulatos P., Tsakogiannis D. (2021)
      Human papillomavirus 16 (HPV16) infection is the aetiologic factor for the development of cervical dysplasia and is regarded as highly carcinogen, because it is implicated in more than 50% of cervical cancer cases, worldwide. ...
    • Genetic variations in the SULF1 gene alter the risk of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions 

      Dardiotis E., Siokas V., Garas A., Paraskevaidis E., Kyrgiou M., Xiromerisiou G., Deligeoroglou E., Galazios G., Kontomanolis E.N., Spandidos D.A., Tsatsakis A., Daponte A. (2018)
      Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection alone is not sufficient to explain the development of cervical cancer. Genetic variants have been linked to the development of precancerous lesions and cervical cancer. In this study, ...
    • Global, regional, and national age-sex specifc mortality for 264 causes of death, 1980-2016: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 

      Naghavi M., Abajobir A.A., Abbafati C., Abbas K.M., Abd-Allah F., Abera S.F., Aboyans V., Adetokunboh O., Ärnlöv J., Afshin A., Agrawal A., Kiadaliri A.A., Ahmadi A., Ahmed M.B., Aichour A.N., Aichour I., Aichour M.T.E., Aiyar S., Al-Eyadhy A., Alahdab F., Al-Aly Z., Alam K., Alam N., Alam T., Alene K.A., Ali S.D., Alizadeh-Navaei R., Alkaabi J.M., Alkerwi A., Alla F., Allebeck P., Allen C., Al-Raddadi R., Alsharif U., Altirkawi K.A., Alvis-Guzman N., Amare A.T., Amini E., Ammar W., Amoako Y.A., Anber N., Andersen H.H., Andrei C.L., Androudi S., Ansari H., Antonio C.A.T., Anwari P., Arora M., Artaman A., Aryal K.K., Asayesh H., Asgedom S.W., Atey T.M., Avila-Burgos L., Avokpaho E.F.G.A., Awasthi A., Quintanilla B.P.A., Béjot Y., Babalola T.K., Bacha U., Balakrishnan K., Barac A., Barboza M.A., Barker-Collo S.L., Barquera S., Barregard L., Barrero L.H., Baune B.T., Bedi N., Beghi E., Bekele B.B., Bell M.L., Bennett J.R., Bensenor I.M., Berhane A., Bernabé E., Betsu B.D., Beuran M., Bhatt S., Biadgilign S., Bienhof K., Bikbov B., Bisanzio D., Bourne R.R.A., Breitborde N.J.K., Bulto L.N.B., Bumgarner B.R., Butt Z.A., Cárdenas R., Cahuana-Hurtado L., Cameron E., Campuzano J.C., Car J., Carrero J.J., Carter A., Casey D.C., Castañeda-Orjuela C.A., Catalá-López F., Charlson F.J., Chibueze C.E., Chimed-Ochir O., Chisumpa V.H., Chitheer A.A., Christopher D.J., Ciobanu L.G., Cirillo M., Cohen A.J., Colombara D., Cooper C., Cowie B.C., Criqui M.H., Dandona L., Dandona R., Dargan P.I., Das Neves J., Davitoiu D.V., Davletov K., De Courten B., Degenhardt L., Deiparine S., Deribe K., Deribew A., Dey S., Dicker D., Ding E.L., Djalalinia S., Do H.P., Doku D.T., Douwes-Schultz D., Driscoll T.R., Dubey M., Duncan B.B., Echko M., El-Khatib Z.Z., Ellingsen C.L., Enayati A., Erskine H.E., Eskandarieh S., Esteghamati A., Ermakov S.P., Estep K., Sa Farinha C.S., Faro A., Farzadfar F., Feigin V.L., Fereshtehnejad S.-M., Fernandes J.C., Ferrari A.J., Feyissa T.R., Filip I., Finegold S., Fischer F., Fitzmaurice C., Flaxman A.D., Foigt N., Frank T., Fraser M., Fullman N., Fürst T., Furtado J.M., Gakidou E., Garcia-Basteiro A.L., Gebre T., Gebregergs G.B., Gebrehiwot T.T., Gebremichael D.Y., Geleijnse J.M., Genova-Maleras R., Gesesew H.A., Gething P.W., Gillum R.F., Ginawi I.A.M., Giref A.Z., Giroud M., Giussani G., Godwin W.W., Gold A.L., Goldberg E.M., Gona P.N., Gopalani S.V., Gouda H.N., Goulart A.C., Griswold M., Gupta P.C., Gupta R., Gupta T., Gupta V., Haagsma J.A., Hafezi-Nejad N., Hailu A.D., Hailu G.B., Hamadeh R.R., Hambisa M.T., Hamidi S., Hammami M., Hancock J., Handal A.J., Hankey G.J., Hao Y., Harb H.L., Hareri H.A., Hassanvand M.S., Havmoeller R., Hay S.I., He F., Hedayati M.T., Henry N.J., Heredia-Pi I.B., Herteliu C., Hoek H.W., Horino M., Horita N., Hosgood H.D., Hostiuc S., Hotez P.J., Hoy D.G., Huynh C., Iburg K.M., Ikeda C., Ileanu B.V., Irenso A.A., Irvine C.M.S., Jürisson M., Jacobsen K.H., Jahanmehr N., Jakovljevic M.B., Javanbakht M., Jayaraman S.P., Jeemon P., Jha V., John D., Johnson C.O., Johnson S.C., Jonas J.B., Kabir Z., Kadel R., Kahsay A., Kamal R., Karch A., Karimi S.M., Karimkhani C., Kasaeian A., Kassaw N.A., Kassebaum N.J., Katikireddi S.V., Kawakami N., Keiyoro P.N., Kemmer L., Kesavachandran C.N., Khader Y.S., Khan E.A., Khang Y.-H., Khoja A.T.A., Khosravi A., Khosravi M.H., Khubchandani J., Kieling C., Kievlan D., Kim D., Kim Y.J., Kimokoti R.W., Kinfu Y., Kissoon N., Kivimaki M., Knudsen A.K., Kopec J.A., Kosen S., Koul P.A., Koyanagi A., Defo B.K., Kulikof X.R., Kumar G.A., Kumar P., Kutz M., Kyu H.H., Lal D.K., Lalloo R., Lambert T.L.N., Lan Q., Lansingh V.C., Larsson A., Lee P.H., Leigh J., Leung J., Levi M., Li Y., Kappe D.L., Liang X., Liben M.L., Lim S.S., Liu A., Liu P.Y., Liu Y., Lodha R., Logroscino G., Lorkowski S., Lotufo P.A., Lozano R., Lucas T.C.D., Ma S., Macarayan E.R.K., Maddison E.R., Abd El Razek M.M., Majdan M., Majdzadeh R., Majeed A., Malekzadeh R., Malhotra R., Malta D.C., Manguerra H., Manyazewal T., Mapoma C.C., Marczak L.B., Markos D., Martinez-Raga J., Martins-Melo F.R., Martopullo I., McAlinden C., McGaughey M., McGrath J.J., Mehata S., Meier T., Meles K.G., Memiah P., Memish Z.A., Mengesha M.M., Mengistu D.T., Menota B.G., Mensah G.A., Meretoja A., Meretoja T.J., Millear A., Miller T.R., Minnig S., Mirarefn M., Mirrakhimov E.M., Misganaw A., Mishra S.R., Mohammad K.A., Mohammadi A., Mohammed S., Mokdad A.H., Mola G.L.D., Mollenkopf S.K., Molokhia M., Monasta L., Hernandez J.C.M., Montico M., Mooney M.D., Moradi-Lakeh M., Moraga P., Morawska L., Morrison S.D., Morozof C., Mountjoy-Venning C., Mruts K.B., Muller K., Murthy G.V.S., Musa K.I., Nachega J.B., Naheed A., Naldi L., Nangia V., Nascimento B.R., Nasher J.T., Natarajan G., Negoi I., Ngunjiri J.W., Nguyen C.T., Nguyen G., Nguyen M., Nguyen Q.L., Nguyen T.H., Nichols E., Ningrum D.N.A., Nong V.M., Noubiap J.J.N., Ogbo F.A., Oh I.-H., Okoro A., Olagunju A.T., Olsen H.E., Olusanya B.O., Olusanya J.O., Ong K., Opio J.N., Oren E., Ortiz A., Osman M., Ota E., Mahesh P.A., Pacella R.E., Pakhale S., Pana A., Panda B.K., Jonas S., Papachristou C., Park E.-K., Patten S.B., Patton G.C., Paudel D., Paulson K., Pereira D.M., Perez-Ruiz F., Perico N., Pervaiz A., Petzold M., Phillips M.R., Pigott D.M., Pinho C., Plass D., Pletcher M.A., Polinder S., Postma M.J., Pourmalek F., Purcell C., Qorbani M., Radfar A., Rafay A., Rahimi-Movaghar V., Rahman M., Ur Rahman M.H., Rai R.K., Ranabhat C.L., Rankin Z., Rao P.C., Rath G.K., Rawaf S., Ray S.E., Rehm J., Reiner R.C., Reitsma M.B., Remuzzi G., Rezaei S., Rezai M.S., Rokni M.B., Ronfani L., Roshandel G., Roth G.A., Rothenbacher D., Ruhago G.M., Rizwan S.A., Saadat S., Sachdev P.S., Sadat N., Safdarian M., Saf S., Safiri S., Sagar R., Sahathevan R., Salama J., Salamati P., Salomon J.A., Samy A.M., Sanabria J.R., Sanchez-Niño M.D., Santomauro D., Santos I.S., Milicevic M.M.S., Sartorius B., Satpathy M., Shahraz S., Schmidt M.I., Schneider I.J.C., Schulhofer-Wohl S., Schutte A.E., Schwebel D.C., Schwendicke F., Sepanlou S.G., Servan-Mori E.E., Shackelford K.A., Shaikh M.A., Shamsipour M., Shamsizadeh M., Islam S.M.S., Sharma J., Sharma R., She J., Sheikhbahaei S., Shey M., Shi P., Shields C., Shigematsu M., Shiri R., Shirude S., Shiue I., Shoman H., Shrime M.G., Sigfusdottir I.D., Silpakit N., Silva J.P., Singh A., Singh J.A., Skiadaresi E., Sligar A., Smith A., Smith D.L., Smith M., Sobaih B.H.A., Soneji S., Sorensen R.J.D., Soriano J.B., Sreeramareddy C.T., Srinivasan V., Stanaway J.D., Stathopoulou V., Steel N., Stein D.J., Steiner C., Steinke S., Stokes M.A., Strong M., Strub B., Subart M., Sufyan M.B., Sunguya B.F., Sur P.J., Swaminathan S., Sykes B.L., Tabarés-Seisdedos R., Tadakamadla S.K., Takahashi K., Takala J.S., Talongwa R.T., Tarawneh M.R., Tavakkoli M., Taveira N., Tegegne T.K., Tehrani-Banihashemi A., Temsah M.-H., Terkawi A.S., Thakur J.S., Thamsuwan O., Thankappan K.R., Thomas K.E., Thompson A.H., Thomson A.J., Thrift A.G., Tobe-Gai R., Topor-Madry R., Torre A., Tortajada M., Towbin J.A., Tran B.X., Troeger C., Truelsen T., Tsoi D., Tuzcu E.M., Tyrovolas S., Ukwaja K.N., Undurraga E.A., Updike R., Uthman O.A., Uzochukwu B.S.C., Van Boven J.F.M., Vasankari T., Venketasubramanian N., Violante F.S., Vlassov V.V., Vollset S.E., Vos T., Wakayo T., Wallin M.T., Wang Y.-P., Weiderpass E., Weintraub R.G., Weiss D.J., Werdecker A., Westerman R., Whetter B., Whiteford H.A., Wijeratne T., Wiysonge C.S., Woldeyes B.G., Wolfe C.D.A., Woodbrook R., Workicho A., Xavier D., Xiao Q., Xu G., Yaghoubi M., Yakob B., Yano Y., Yaseri M., Yimam H.H., Yonemoto N., Yoon S.-J., Yotebieng M., Younis M.Z., Zaidi Z., El Sayed Zaki M., Zegeye E.A., Zenebe Z.M., Zerfu T.A., Zhang A.L., Zhang X., Zipkin B., Zodpey S., Lopez A.D., Murray C.J.L., GBD 2016 Causes of Death Collaborators (2017)
      Background: Monitoring levels and trends in premature mortality is crucial to understanding how societies can address prominent sources of early death. The Global Burden of Disease 2016 Study (GBD 2016) provides a comprehensive ...
    • Healthcare access and quality index based on mortality from causes amenable to personal health care in 195 countries and territories, 1990-2015: A novel analysis from the global burden of disease study 2015 

      Barber R.M., Fullman N., Sorensen R.J.D., Bollyky T., McKee M., Nolte E., Abajobir A.A., Abate K.H., Abbafati C., Abbas K.M., Abd-Allah F., Abdulle A.M., Abdurahman A.A., Abera S.F., Abraham B., Abreha G.F., Adane K., Adelekan A.L., Adetifa I.M.O., Afshin A., Agarwal A., Agarwal S.K., Agarwal S., Agrawal A., Ahmad Kiadaliri A., Ahmadi A., Ahmed K.Y., Ahmed M.B., Akinyemi R.O., Akinyemiju T.F., Akseer N., Al-Aly Z., Alam K., Alam N., Alam S.S., Alemu Z.A., Alene K.A., Alexander L., Ali R., Ali S.D., Alizadeh-Navaei R., Alkerwi A., Alla F., Allebeck P., Allen C., Al-Raddadi R., Alsharif U., Altirkawi K.A., Alvarez Martin E., Alvis-Guzman N., Amare A.T., Amini E., Ammar W., Amo-Adjei J., Amoako Y.A., Anderson B.O., Androudi S., Ansari H., Ansha M.G., Antonio C.A.T., Ärnlöv J., Artaman A., Asayesh H., Assadi R., Astatkie A., Atey T.M., Atique S., Atnafu N.T., Atre S.R., Avila-Burgos L., Avokpaho E.F.G.A., Ayala Quintanilla B.P., Awasthi A., Ayele N.N., Azzopardi P., Ba Saleem H.O., Bärnighausen T., Bacha U., Badawi A., Banerjee A., Barac A., Barboza M.A., Barker-Collo S.L., Barrero L.H., Basu S., Baune B.T., Baye K., Bayou Y.T., Bazargan-Hejazi S., Bedi N., Beghi E., Béjot Y., Bello A.K., Bennett D.A., Bensenor I.M., Berhane A., Bernabé E., Bernal O.A., Beyene A.S., Beyene T.J., Bhutta Z.A., Biadgilign S., Bikbov B., Birlik S.M., Birungi C., Biryukov S., Bisanzio D., Bizuayehu H.M., Bose D., Brainin M., Brauer M., Brazinova A., Breitborde N.J.K., Brenner H., Butt Z.A., Cárdenas R., Cahuana-Hurtado L., Campos-Nonato I.R., Car J., Carrero J.J., Casey D., Caso V., Castañeda-Orjuela C.A., Castillo Rivas J., Catalá-López F., Cecilio P., Cercy K., Charlson F.J., Chen A.Z., Chew A., Chibalabala M., Chibueze C.E., Chisumpa V.H., Chitheer A.A., Chowdhury R., Christensen H., Christopher D.J., Ciobanu L.G., Cirillo M., Coggeshall M.S., Cooper L.T., Cortinovis M., Crump J.A., Dalal K., Danawi H., Dandona L., Dandona R., Dargan P.I., Das Neves J., Davey G., Davitoiu D.V., Davletov K., De Leo D., Del Gobbo L.C., Del Pozo-Cruz B., Dellavalle R.P., Deribe K., Deribew A., Des Jarlais D.C., Dey S., Dharmaratne S.D., Dicker D., Ding E.L., Dokova K., Dorsey E.R., Doyle K.E., Dubey M., Ehrenkranz R., Ellingsen C.L., Elyazar I., Enayati A., Ermakov S.P., Eshrati B., Esteghamati A., Estep K., Fürst T., Faghmous I.D.A., Fanuel F.B.B., Faraon E.J.A., Farid T.A., Farinha C.S.E.S., Faro A., Farvid M.S., Farzadfar F., Feigin V.L., Feigl A.B., Fereshtehnejad S.-M., Fernandes J.G., Fernandes J.C., Feyissa T.R., Fischer F., Fitzmaurice C., Fleming T.D., Foigt N., Foreman K.J., Forouzanfar M.H., Franklin R.C., Frostad J., Ghiwot T.T., Gakidou E., Gambashidze K., Gamkrelidze A., Gao W., Garcia-Basteiro A.L., Gebre T., Gebremedhin A.T., Gebremichael M.W., Gebru A.A., Gelaye A.A., Geleijnse J.M., Genova-Maleras R., Gibney K.B., Giref A.Z., Gishu M.D., Giussani G., Godwin W.W., Gold A., Goldberg E.M., Gona P.N., Goodridge A., Gopalani S.V., Goto A., Graetz N., Greaves F., Griswold M., Guban P.I., Gugnani H.C., Gupta P.C., Gupta R., Gupta R., Gupta T., Gupta V., Habtewold T.D., Hafezi-Nejad N., Haile D., Hailu A.D., Hailu G.B., Hakuzimana A., Hamadeh R.R., Hambisa M.T., Hamidi S., Hammami M., Hankey G.J., Hao Y., Harb H.L., Hareri H.A., Haro J.M., Hassanvand M.S., Havmoeller R., Hay R.J., Hay S.I., Hendrie D., Heredia-Pi I.B., Hoek H.W., Horino M., Horita N., Hosgood H.D., Htet A.S., Hu G., Huang H., Huang J.J., Huntley B.M., Huynh C., Iburg K.M., Ileanu B.V., Innos K., Irenso A.A., Jahanmehr N., Jakovljevic M.B., James P., James S.L., Javanbakht M., Jayaraman S.P., Jayatilleke A.U., Jeemon P., Jha V., John D., Johnson C., Johnson S.C., Jonas J.B., Juel K., Kabir Z., Kalkonde Y., Kamal R., Kan H., Karch A., Karema C.K., Karimi S.M., Kasaeian A., Kassebaum N.J., Kastor A., Katikireddi S.V., Kazanjan K., Keiyoro P.N., Kemmer L., Kemp A.H., Kengne A.P., Kerbo A.A., Kereselidze M., Kesavachandran C.N., Khader Y.S., Khalil I., Khan A.R., Khan E.A., Khan G., Khang Y.-H., Khoja A.T.A., Khonelidze I., Khubchandani J., Kibret G.D., Kim D., Kim P., Kim Y.J., Kimokoti R.W., Kinfu Y., Kissoon N., Kivipelto M., Kokubo Y., Kolk A., Kolte D., Kopec J.A., Kosen S., Koul P.A., Koyanagi A., Kravchenko M., Krishnaswami S., Krohn K.J., Kuate Defo B., Kucuk Bicer B., Kuipers E.J., Kulkarni V.S., Kumar G.A., Kumsa F.A., Kutz M., Kyu H.H., Lager A.C.J., Lal A., Lal D.K., Lalloo R., Lallukka T., Lan Q., Langan S.M., Lansingh V.C., Larson H.J., Larsson A., Laryea D.O., Latif A.A., Lawrynowicz A.E.B., Leasher J.L., Leigh J., Leinsalu M., Leshargie C.T., Leung J., Leung R., Levi M., Liang X., Lim S.S., Lind M., Linn S., Lipshultz S.E., Liu P., Liu Y., Lo L.-T., Logroscino G., Lopez A.D., Lorch S.A., Lotufo P.A., Lozano R., Lunevicius R., Lyons R.A., Macarayan E.R.K., Mackay M.T., Magdy Abd El Razek H., Magdy Abd El Razek M., Mahdavi M., Majeed A., Malekzadeh R., Malta D.C., Mantovani L.G., Manyazewal T., Mapoma C.C., Marcenes W., Marks G.B., Marquez N., Martinez-Raga J., Marzan M.B., Massano J., Mathur M.R., Maulik P.K., Mazidi M., McAlinden C., McGrath J.J., McNellan C., Meaney P.A., Mehari A., Mehndiratta M.M., Meier T., Mekonnen A.B., Meles K.G., Memish Z.A., Mengesha M.M., Mengiste D.T., Mengistie M.A., Menota B.G., Mensah G.A., Mereta S.T., Meretoja A., Meretoja T.J., Mezgebe H.B., Micha R., Millear A., Mills E.J., Minnig S., Mirarefin M., Mirrakhimov E.M., Mock C.N., Mohammad K.A., Mohammed S., Mohanty S.K., Mokdad A.H., Mola G.L.D., Molokhia M., Monasta L., Montico M., Moradi-Lakeh M., Moraga P., Morawska L., Mori R., Moses M., Mueller U.O., Murthy S., Musa K.I., Nachega J.B., Nagata C., Nagel G., Naghavi M., Naheed A., Naldi L., Nangia V., Nascimento B.R., Negoi I., Neupane S.P., Newton C.R., Ng M., Ngalesoni F.N., Ngunjiri J.W., Nguyen G., Ningrum D.N.A., Nolte S., Nomura M., Norheim O.F., Norrving B., Noubiap J.J.N., Obermeyer C.M., Ogbo F.A., Oh I.-H., Okoro A., Oladimeji O., Olagunju A.T., Olivares P.R., Olsen H.E., Olusanya B.O., Olusanya J.O., Opio J.N., Oren E., Ortiz A., Osborne R.H., Osman M., Owolabi M.O., Mahesh P.A., Pain A.W., Pakhale S., Palomares Castillo E., Pana A., Papachristou C., Parsaeian M., Patel T., Patton G.C., Paudel D., Paul V.K., Pearce N., Pereira D.M., Perez-Padilla R., Perez-Ruiz F., Perico N., Pesudovs K., Petzold M., Phillips M.R., Pigott D.M., Pillay J.D., Pinho C., Polinder S., Pond C.D., Prakash V., Purwar M., Qorbani M., Quistberg D.A., Radfar A., Rafay A., Rahimi K., Rahimi-Movaghar V., Rahman M., Rahman M.H.U., Rai R.K., Ram U., Rana S.M., Rankin Z., Rao P.V., Rao P.C., Rawaf S., Rego M.A.S., Reitsma M., Remuzzi G., Renzaho A.M.N.N., Resnikoff S., Rezaei S., Rezai M.S., Ribeiro A.L., Roba H.S., Rokni M.B., Ronfani L., Roshandel G., Roth G.A., Rothenbacher D., Roy N.K., Sachdev P.S., Sackey B.B., Saeedi M.Y., Safiri S., Sagar R., Sahraian M.A., Saleh M.M., Salomon J.A., Samy A.M., Sanabria J.R., Sanchez-Niño M.D., Sandar L., Santos I.S., Santos J.V., Santric Milicevic M.M., Sarmiento-Suarez R., Sartorius B., Satpathy M., Savic M., Sawhney M., Saylan M.I., Schöttker B., Schutte A.E., Schwebel D.C., Seedat S., Seid A.M., Seifu C.N., Sepanlou S.G., Serdar B., Servan-Mori E.E., Setegn T., Shackelford K.A., Shaheen A., Shahraz S., Shaikh M.A., Shakh-Nazarova M., Shamsipour M., Shariful Islam S.M., Sharma J., Sharma R., She J., Sheikhbahaei S., Shen J., Shi P., Shigematsu M., Shin M.-J., Shiri R., Shoman H., Shrime M.G., Sibamo E.L.S., Sigfusdottir I.D., Silva D.A.S., Silveira D.G.A., Sindi S., Singh A., Singh J.A., Singh O.P., Singh P.K., Singh V., Sinke A.H., Sinshaw A.E., Skirbekk V., Sliwa K., Smith A., Sobngwi E., Soneji S., Soriano J.B., Sousa T.C.M., Sposato L.A., Sreeramareddy C.T., Stathopoulou V., Steel N., Steiner C., Steinke S., Stokes M.A., Stranges S., Strong M., Stroumpoulis K., Sturua L., Sufiyan M.B., Suliankatchi R.A., Sun J., Sur P., Swaminathan S., Sykes B.L., Tabarés-Seisdedos R., Tabb K.M., Taffere G.R., Talongwa R.T., Tarajia M., Tavakkoli M., Taveira N., Teeple S., Tegegne T.K., Tehrani-Banihashemi A., Tekelab T., Tekle D.Y., Temam Shifa G., Terkawi A.S., Tesema A.G., Thakur J.S., Thomson A.J., Tillmann T., Tiruye T.Y., Tobe-Gai R., Tonelli M., Topor-Madry R., Tortajada M., Troeger C., Truelsen T., Tura A.K., Uchendu U.S., Ukwaja K.N., Undurraga E.A., Uneke C.J., Uthman O.A., Van Boven J.F.M., Van Dingenen R., Varughese S., Vasankari T., Venketasubramanian N., Violante F.S., Vladimirov S.K., Vlassov V.V., Vollset S.E., Vos T., Wagner J.A., Wakayo T., Waller S.G., Walson J.L., Wang H., Wang Y.-P., Watkins D.A., Weiderpass E., Weintraub R.G., Wen C.-P., Werdecker A., Wesana J., Westerman R., Whiteford H.A., Wilkinson J.D., Wiysonge C.S., Woldeyes B.G., Wolfe C.D.A., Won S., Workicho A., Workie S.B., Wubshet M., Xavier D., Xu G., Yadav A.K., Yaghoubi M., Yakob B., Yan L.L., Yano Y., Yaseri M., Yimam H.H., Yip P., Yonemoto N., Yoon S.-J., Younis M.Z., Yu C., Zaidi Z., El Sayed Zaki M., Zambrana-Torrelio C., Zapata T., Zenebe Z.M., Zodpey S., Zoeckler L., Zuhlke L.J., Murray C.J.L., GBD 2015 Healthcare Access and Quality Collaborators (2017)
      Background National levels of personal health-care access and quality can be approximated by measuring mortality rates from causes that should not be fatal in the presence of effective medical care (ie, amenable mortality). ...
    • Identification of rearranged sequences of HPV16 DNA in precancerous and cervical cancer cases 

      Tsakogiannis D., Bletsa M., Kyriakopoulou Z., Dimitriou T.G., Kotsovassilis C., Panotopoulou E., Markoulatos P. (2016)
      Integration of HPV16 DNA into the host chromosome is considered to be a crucial step towards genomic instability and cervical cancer development. Aim of the present study was to investigate the presence of HPV16 rearranged ...
    • Immunotherapy of Cancer: Developments and Reference Points, an Unorthodox Approach 

      Nikolaou M., Nikolaou G., Digklia A., Pontas C., Tsoukalas N., Kyrgias G., Tolia M. (2019)
      Oncology is currently a sector of medical science with accelerated progress due to rapid technological development, the advancement in molecular biology, and the invention of many innovative therapies. Immunotherapy partially ...
    • Implementation of HPV-based Cervical Cancer Screening Combined with Self-sampling Using a Midwifery Network across Rural Greece: The Grecoself study 

      Agorastos T., Chatzistamatiou K., Tsertanidou A., Mouchtaropoulou E., Pasentsis K., Kitsou A., Moysiadis T., Moschaki V., Skenderi A., Katsiki E., Aggelidou S., Venizelos I., Ntoula M., Daponte A., Vanakara P., Garas A., Stefos T., Vrekoussis T., Lymberis V., Kontomanolis E.N., Makrigiannakis A., Manidakis G., Deligeoroglou E., Panoskaltsis T., Decavalas G.O., Michail G., Kalogiannidis I., Koukoulis G., Zempili P., Halatsi D., Truva T., Piha V., Agelena G., Chronopoulou A., Vaitsi V., Chatzaki E., Paschopoulos M., Adonakis G., Kaufmann A.M., Hadzidimitriou A., Stamatopoulos K. (2019)
      Self-sampling for human papillomavirus (HPV) testing is an alternative to physician sampling particularly for cervical cancer screening nonattenders. The GRECOSELF study is a nationwide observational cross-sectional study ...
    • Objective and Subjective Appetite Assessment in Patients with Gynecological Cancer: A Pre- and Post-Operative Pilot Study 

      Gounitsioti I.-S., Poulimeneas D., Grammatikopoulou M.G., Kotzamanidis C., Gkiouras K., Nigdelis M.P., Tsolakidis D., Papanikolaou A., Tarlatzis B.C., Bogdanos D.P., Tsigga M., Goulis D.G. (2022)
      Although appetite and its disorders have been implicated in disease progression and outcomes, ghrelin concentrations, an objective appetite measure, are rarely assessed in patients with gynecological malignancies. The ...
    • Primary screening for cervical cancer based on high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) detection and HPV 16 and HPV 18 genotyping, in comparison to cytology 

      Agorastos, T.; Chatzistamatiou, K.; Katsamagkas, T.; Koliopoulos, G.; Daponte, A.; Constantinidis, T.; Constantinidis, T. C. (2015)
      Objectives The objective of the present study is to assess the performance of a high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) DNA test with individual HPV-16/HPV-18 genotyping as a method for primary cervical cancer screening ...
    • Vaginal dilator use to promote sexual wellbeing after radiotherapy in gynecological cancer survivors 

      Charatsi D., Vanakara P., Evaggelopoulou E., Simopoulou F., Korfias D., Daponte A., Kyrgias G., Tolia M. (2022)
      AbstractThis study investigated the efficacy of a vaginal dilator (VD) for the treatment of radiation-induced vaginal stenosis (VS) and the effect of a VD on sexual quality of life.Fifty three patients with endometrial or ...