Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "greenspace"
Anzeige der Dokumente 1-7 von 7
Atrazine, chlorpyrifos, and iprodione effect on the biodiversity of bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi in a pilot biopurification system with a green cover
(2017)The use of biopurification systems can mitigate the effects of pesticide contamination on farms. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of pesticide dissipation on microbial communities in a pilot ... -
Economic aspects of urban green space: A survey of perceptions and attitudes
(2009)Urban green space constitutes a crucial element of all cities. It affects the overall physical and built environment of the city, making cities attractive places not only to their own citizens, but also to external visitors ... -
Evaluating the services and facilities of European cities using crowdsourced place data
(2018)Statistics about citizen satisfaction regarding urban facilities and services are required for governing urban areas. Such statistics are often unavailable or outdated. At times, existing statistics are irrelevant to the ... -
New technologies opposing urban sustainability
(2008)This paper is concerned with the impacts of new technologies on urban sustainability. First, it briefly presents those new technological developments affecting urban life of individuals. Then, it focuses on new spatial ... -
The reasons for visiting urban parks: a case study in Greece
(2022)Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the reasons for visiting the urban park Antonis Tritsis in Athens, Greece, focusing on visitors’ motives and perceived characteristics of the park. When urban parks are ... -
Setting the grounds for the green infrastructure in the metropolitan areas of athens and thessaloniki: The role of green space
(2018)Green Infrastructure (G.I.) is a sine qua non in contemporary planning. Green spaces can play a vital role in serving as grounds for developing G.I. and promoting environmental, social and economic benefits. In Athens and ... -
Smart cities as hubs: Connect, collect and control city flows
(2022)Regardless the Smart City (SC) broad scope, which ranges from a service-oriented ecosystem with the use of almost all the emerging technologies to a resilient urban environment, practice shows that the SC is mostly capitalized ...