Humic and Fulvic Acids as Specific Sorbents of Herbicides in Water
Vrantsi E., Lakka A., Bozinou E., Athanasiadis V., Papadaki E.S., Dourtoglou V.G., Lalas S.I.Data
The ability of humic and fulvic acids (isolated from lignite with a simple, quick, and inexpensive method) to bind the active ingredients of herbicides contaminating drinking water is evaluated. During this study drinking water samples are contaminated with formulated herbicides (imazamox or a mixture of thifensulfuron methyl and tribenuron methyl), while humic and fulvic acids are used as reducing agents. The maximum reducing ability presented by humic and fulvic acids is 72.72% for thifensulfuron methyl and tribenuron methyl and 37.52% for imazamox. Humic acids’ binding ability is superior to that of fulvic acids. © 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH