Detection of jet axis in a horizontal turbulent jet via nonlinear analysis of minimum/maximum temperature time series
We have analyzed experimental temperature time series from a horizontal turbulent heated jet, in order to identify the jet axis location using non linear measures. The analysis was applied on both, the original time series as well as on the extreme value (minimum and maximum values) time series. In our analysis we employed mainly nonlinear measures such as mutual information and cumulative mutual information. The results show that the analysis of the extreme values time series using cumulative mutual information permits to distinguish the jet axis time series from the rest of the jet, as well as discriminate regions of the jet located close to jet axis or close to the boundaries. Furthermore, it is of interest that the application of simple statistical measures and clustering techniques shows that the use of extremes time series let us distinguish with greater confidence the jet axis than the use of the original one. © 2019 CHAOS 2011 - 4th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference, Proceedings. All rights reserved.