Physiotherapy treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome after surgical intervention
The Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) consists the most frequent peripheral neuropathy caused due to compression of the median nerve at the wrist. Various factors contribute to the manifestation of carpal tunnel syndrome, including the anatomy of the wrist, patterns of hand use or any other underlying health problems. The dominant hand is usually affected first, while the main symptoms are severe pain, weakness, or numbness in the hand and wrist, radiating up the arm. This syndrome is associated with significant disability, thus increasing the cost of health care services and insurance resources. Physiotherapy has beneficial effects on the treatment of the Carpal tunnel syndrome. More in detail, physiotherapy following Carpal tunnel surgery involves immobilization using carpal tunnel splints, shoulder exercises including muscle strengthening as well as exercises aiming at maintaining the range of motion of fingers and regaining normal function of the entire upper extremity. Exercise programs should be an integral part of rehabilitation.