Realistic spring block models for earthquake-induced landslides
Nowadays, there is an increasing interest for realistic spring-block models capable of addressing precursor phenomena in catastrophic earthquake-induced landslides. By pre-defining the constitutive law between externally applied stress and induced local strain increments, the dynamic behaviour of the rock/soil slope can be studied by means of the distribution of slip events at the interface between the soil and the bedrock. It is shown that by relaxing the assumption of constant of externally applied stress rate and local strain increments, a robust 2D spring-block model can be formulated for studying triggered landslides. A cellular automaton is built in order to examine the dynamic behaviour and the stability of rock/soil slopes during the initiation of a landslide. The type and nature of the failure plane, as well as the triggering mechanism is studied. The different dynamic evolution modes of the slope can be mapped to specific shape parameters of the corresponding distributions of the incremental displacements. The proposed spring-block model can be used in order to understand, predict and minimize the impact of catastrophic landslides triggered by earthquakes. © 2015 by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum and ISRM.