In-vitro development of ovules obtained after pollination of cotton (Gossypium spp) flowers with pollen from okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L-Moench)
The in vitro response of ovules obtained after pollination of cotton flowers with pollen from Abelmoschus esculentus was studied. For this, 492 cotton flowers from five G. hirsutum varieties, four G. barbadense varieties and 10 F1 interspecific hybrids, were pollinated with pollen from A. esculentus and 5,069 ovules were cultured in vitro. From the cultured ovules, 69 embryos were isolated and 16 of them grew into plants. However, only three of them survived after transplantation. Finally, one plant which originated from the interspecific cross (B403 x Acala Sindos) x A. esculentus reached maturity. The mature plant (Pa0) had no morphological traits from A. esculentus. On the contrary, traits from both cotton species were observed. The flowcytometric analysis of the Pa0 plant indicated that it was hypoaneuploid. Root tip chromosome counts of its offsprings revealed a progressive chromosome increase from the Pa1 to Pa4 generation. Plants with 52 chromosomes or hypoaneuploids with a lower level of chromosomes (46-51) could be isolated from the Pa4 generation. These plants exhibited morphological traits from both cotton species and they were fertile. No signs of A. esculentus morphological characteristics were observed in these plants. It was concluded that aneuploid partial interspecific cotton plants could be produced after pollination of cotton interspecific hybrids with pollen from A. esculentus and application of an in-ovule embryo rescue technique.