Breast cancer risk in relation to most prevalent IgE specific antibodies: A case control study in Greece
Petridou, E. T.; Chavelas, C.; Dikalioti, S. K.; Dessypris, N.; Terzidis, A.; Nikoulis, D. I.; Markopoulos, C.; Papadiamantis, Y.; Germenis, A. E.Data
Background: This study aims to explore the debatable role of allergy in breast cancer (BC) by using country-specific biological markers, namely levels of the most prevalent allergen -specific immunoglobulin E in Greece. Patients and Methods: Blood samples and clinical information were collected over a 30-month period from 103 women with histologically-confirmed BC and 103 controls front two university hospitals in Athens. Allergen -specific IgE, against the 12 prevailing allergens in Greece were determined; thereafter, a score comprising the sum of the individual values for this battery of serological IgE determinations was created. Bivariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were undertaken using case-control status as the outcome and IgE-scores as the predictor variable, controllingfor socio-demographic, gynecological and lifestyle confounders. Results: The serum IgE score seemed to be positively related to BC (OR: similar to 1.73; CI: 0.95-3.14; p-value: 0.07). A positive correlation between serological evidence and allergic history among controls was also found (p-value: 0.06). Conclusion: This investigation suggests an IgE-mediated allergic response among women with BC in comparison to their controls. The finding needs confirmation by immuno-epidemiological investigation to clarify the directionality of this association and whether laboratory-ascertained atopy can be considered as a risk-marker of susceptibility in the development of BC.