Applications of Informatics in a Leonardo da Vinci project with reference to the organic farming in Greece and Europe
The market of organic products in Europe is generally expanding. The organic food production has been strictly regulated in the European Union. Particular competence requirements need to be developed not only to achieve economic production while ensuring compliance with the regulations, but also new knowledge, skills and competences are required for the organic food retailers in the field of certification, accreditation regulations, licensing, etc. The highly successful LDV project "EcoQualify II - Dissemination and implementation of a quality assurance system for further education in organic retail trade in Europe has anticipated this development in 2007 and created a comprehensive EUROPEAN QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM for the further education in organic foods trade. EcoQualify III plans to transfer this successful project into four states that have not benefitted from the original project. Major role in the project, as the "transfer of innovation term suggests, has the applied in EcoQualify III informatic tools, which are described in this paper.