• Apolipoprotein E4 and meningeal lymphatics in Alzheimer disease: a conceptual framework 

      Mentis A.-F.A., Dardiotis E., Chrousos G.P. (2021)
      The potential existence and roles of the meningeal lymphatic system in normal and pathological brain function have been a long-standing enigma. Recent evidence suggests that meningeal lymphatic vessels are present in both ...
    • Apolipoprotein ϵ4 allele is associated with frailty syndrome: Results from the hellenic longitudinal investigation of ageing and diet study 

      Mourtzi N., Ntanasi E., Yannakoulia M., Kosmidis M., Anastasiou C., Dardiotis E., Hadjigeorgiou G., Sakka P., Scarmeas N. (2019)
      Apolipoprotein (APOE) ϵ4 allele has been associated with a number of age-related diseases but previous studies failed to identify any link with Frailty syndrome. The aim of the present study is to investigate the association ...
    • Common variants in Alzheimer’s disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores 

      de Rojas I., Moreno-Grau S., Tesi N., Grenier-Boley B., Andrade V., Jansen I.E., Pedersen N.L., Stringa N., Zettergren A., Hernández I., Montrreal L., Antúnez C., Antonell A., Tankard R.M., Bis J.C., Sims R., Bellenguez C., Quintela I., González-Perez A., Calero M., Franco-Macías E., Macías J., Blesa R., Cervera-Carles L., Menéndez-González M., Frank-García A., Royo J.L., Moreno F., Huerto Vilas R., Baquero M., Diez-Fairen M., Lage C., García-Madrona S., García-González P., Alarcón-Martín E., Valero S., Sotolongo-Grau O., Ullgren A., Naj A.C., Lemstra A.W., Benaque A., Pérez-Cordón A., Benussi A., Rábano A., Padovani A., Squassina A., de Mendonça A., Arias Pastor A., Kok A.A.L., Meggy A., Pastor A.B., Espinosa A., Corma-Gómez A., Martín Montes A., Sanabria Á., DeStefano A.L., Schneider A., Haapasalo A., Kinhult Ståhlbom A., Tybjærg-Hansen A., Hartmann A.M., Spottke A., Corbatón-Anchuelo A., Rongve A., Borroni B., Arosio B., Nacmias B., Nordestgaard B.G., Kunkle B.W., Charbonnier C., Abdelnour C., Masullo C., Martínez Rodríguez C., Muñoz-Fernandez C., Dufouil C., Graff C., Ferreira C.B., Chillotti C., Reynolds C.A., Fenoglio C., Van Broeckhoven C., Clark C., Pisanu C., Satizabal C.L., Holmes C., Buiza-Rueda D., Aarsland D., Rujescu D., Alcolea D., Galimberti D., Wallon D., Seripa D., Grünblatt E., Dardiotis E., Düzel E., Scarpini E., Conti E., Rubino E., Gelpi E., Rodriguez-Rodriguez E., Duron E., Boerwinkle E., Ferri E., Tagliavini F., Küçükali F., Pasquier F., Sanchez-Garcia F., Mangialasche F., Jessen F., Nicolas G., Selbæk G., Ortega G., Chêne G., Hadjigeorgiou G., Rossi G., Spalletta G., Giaccone G., Grande G., Binetti G., Papenberg G., Hampel H., Bailly H., Zetterberg H., Soininen H., Karlsson I.K., Alvarez I., Appollonio I., Giegling I., Skoog I., Saltvedt I., Rainero I., Rosas Allende I., Hort J., Diehl-Schmid J., Van Dongen J., Vidal J.-S., Lehtisalo J., Wiltfang J., Thomassen J.Q., Kornhuber J., Haines J.L., Vogelgsang J., Pineda J.A., Fortea J., Popp J., Deckert J., Buerger K., Morgan K., Fließbach K., Sleegers K., Molina-Porcel L., Kilander L., Weinhold L., Farrer L.A., Wang L.-S., Kleineidam L., Farotti L., Parnetti L., Tremolizzo L., Hausner L., Benussi L., Froelich L., Ikram M.A., Deniz-Naranjo M.C., Tsolaki M., Rosende-Roca M., Löwenmark M., Hulsman M., Spallazzi M., Pericak-Vance M.A., Esiri M., Bernal Sánchez-Arjona M., Dalmasso M.C., Martínez-Larrad M.T., Arcaro M., Nöthen M.M., Fernández-Fuertes M., Dichgans M., Ingelsson M., Herrmann M.J., Scherer M., Vyhnalek M., Kosmidis M.H., Yannakoulia M., Schmid M., Ewers M., Heneka M.T., Wagner M., Scamosci M., Kivipelto M., Hiltunen M., Zulaica M., Alegret M., Fornage M., Roberto N., van Schoor N.M., Seidu N.M., Banaj N., Armstrong N.J., Scarmeas N., Scherbaum N., Goldhardt O., Hanon O., Peters O., Skrobot O.A., Quenez O., Lerch O., Bossù P., Caffarra P., Dionigi Rossi P., Sakka P., Hoffmann P., Holmans P.A., Fischer P., Riederer P., Yang Q., Marshall R., Kalaria R.N., Mayeux R., Vandenberghe R., Cecchetti R., Ghidoni R., Frikke-Schmidt R., Sorbi S., Hägg S., Engelborghs S., Helisalmi S., Botne Sando S., Kern S., Archetti S., Boschi S., Fostinelli S., Gil S., Mendoza S., Mead S., Ciccone S., Djurovic S., Heilmann-Heimbach S., Riedel-Heller S., Kuulasmaa T., del Ser T., Lebouvier T., Polak T., Ngandu T., Grimmer T., Bessi V., Escott-Price V., Giedraitis V., Deramecourt V., Maier W., Jian X., Pijnenburg Y.A.L., Smith A.D., Saenz A., Bizzarro A., Lauria A., Vacca A., Solomon A., Anastasiou A., Richardson A., Boland A., Koivisto A., Daniele A., Greco A., Marianthi A., McGuinness B., Fin B., Ferrari C., Custodero C., Ferrarese C., Ingino C., Mangone C., Reyes Toso C., Martínez C., Cuesta C., Muchnik C., Joachim C., Ortiz C., Besse C., Johansson C., Zoia C.P., Laske C., Anastasiou C., Palacio D.L., Politis D.G., Janowitz D., Craig D., Mann D.M., Neary D., Jürgen D., Daian D., Belezhanska D., Kohler E., Castaño E.M., Koutsouraki E., Chipi E., De Roeck E., Costantini E., Vardy E.R.L.C., Piras F., Roveta F., Piras F., Prestia F.A., Assogna F., Salani F., Sala G., Lacidogna G., Novack G., Wilcock G., Thonberg H., Kölsch H., Weber H., Boecker H., Etchepareborda I., Piaceri I., Tuomilehto J., Lindström J., Laczo J., Johnston J., Deleuze J.-F., Harris J., Schott J.M., Priller J., Bacha J.I., Snowden J., Lisso J., Mihova K.Y., Traykov L., Morelli L., Brusco L.I., Rainer M., Takalo M., Bjerke M., Del Zompo M., Serpente M., Sanchez Abalos M., Rios M., Peltonen M., Herrman M.J., Kosmidis M.H., Kohler M., Rojo M., Jones M., Orsini M., Medel N., Olivar N., Fox N.C., Salvadori N., Hooper N.M., Galeano P., Solis P., Bastiani P., Mecocci P., Passmore P., Heun R., Antikainen R., Olaso R., Perneczky R., Germani S., López-García S., Love S., Mehrabian S., Bagnoli S., Kochen S., Andreoni S., Teipel S., Todd S., Pickering-Brown S., Natunen T., Tegos T., Laatikainen T., Strandberg T., Polvikoski T.M., Matoska V., Ciullo V., Cores V., Solfrizzi V., Lisetti V., Sevillano Z., Abdelnour C., Aguilera N., Alarcon E., Alegret M., Benaque A., Boada M., Buendia M., Cañabate P., Carracedo A., Corbatón-Anchuelo A., Diego S., Espinosa A., Gailhajenet A., Gil S., Guitart M., Hernández I., Ibarria M., Lafuente A., Macias J., Maroñas O., Martín E., Martínez M.T., Marquié M., Mauleón A., Montrreal L., Moreno-Grau S., Moreno M., Orellana A., Ortega G., Pancho A., Pelejá E., Pérez-Cordon A., Preckler S., Quintela I., Real L.M., Rosende-Roca M., Ruiz A., Sáez M.E., Sanabria A., Serrano-Rios M., Sotolongo-Grau O., Tárraga L., Valero S., Vargas L., Adarmes-Gómez A.D., Alarcón-Martín E., Alonso M.D., Álvarez I., Álvarez V., Amer-Ferrer G., Antequera M., Antúnez C., Baquero M., Bernal M., Blesa R., Boada M., Buiza-Rueda D., Bullido M.J., Burguera J.A., Calero M., Carrillo F., Carrión-Claro M., Casajeros M.J., Clarimón J., Cruz-Gamero J.M., de Pancorbo M.M., del Ser T., Diez-Fairen M., Escuela R., Garrote-Espina L., Fortea J., Franco-Macías E., Frank-García A., García-Alberca J.M., Garcia Madrona S., Garcia-Ribas G., Gómez-Garre P., Hernández I., Hevilla S., Jesús S., Labrador Espinosa M.A., Lage C., Legaz A., Lleó A., Lopez de Munain A., López-García S., Macias-García D., Manzanares S., Marín M., Marín-Muñoz J., Marín T., Marquié M., Martín Montes A., Martínez B., Martínez C., Martínez V., Martínez-Lage Álvarez P., Medina M., Mendioroz Iriarte M., Mir P., Molinuevo J.L., Pastor P., Pérez-Tur J., Periñán-Tocino T., Pineda-Sanchez R., Piñol-Ripoll G., Rábano A., Real de Asúa D., Rodrigo S., Rodríguez-Rodríguez E., Royo J.L., Ruiz A., Sanchez del Valle Díaz R., Sánchez-Juan P., Sastre I., Valero S., Vicente M.P., Vigo-Ortega R., Vivancos L., Macleod C., McCracken C., Brayne C., Bresner C., Grozeva D., Bellou E., Sommerville E.W., Matthews F., Leonenko G., Menzies G., Windle G., Harwood J., Phillips J., Bennett K., Luckuck L., Clare L., Woods R., Saad S., Burholt V., Jansen I.E., Rongve A., Kehoe P.G., Garcia-Ribas G., Sánchez-Juan P., Pastor P., Lopez de Munain A., García-Alberca J.M., Bullido M.J., Álvarez V., Real L.M., Scheltens P., Holstege H., Marquié M., Sáez M.E., Amouyel P., Schellenberg G.D., Williams J., Seshadri S., van Duijn C.M., Mather K.A., Sánchez-Valle R., Serrano-Ríos M., Orellana A., Tárraga L., Blennow K., Huisman M., Andreassen O.A., Posthuma D., Clarimón J., Boada M., van der Flier W.M., Ramirez A., Lambert J.-C., van der Lee S.J., Ruiz A., EADB contributors, The GR@ACE study group, DEGESCO consortium, IGAP (ADGC, CHARGE, EADI, GERAD), PGC-ALZ consortia (2021)
      Genetic discoveries of Alzheimer’s disease are the drivers of our understanding, and together with polygenetic risk stratification can contribute towards planning of feasible and efficient preventive and curative clinical ...
    • Dementia incidence in the elderly population of greece: Results from the HELIAD study 

      Vlachos G.S., Kosmidis M.H., Yannakoulia M., Dardiotis E., Hadjigeorgiou G., Tzoulaki I., Georgiou A.N., Sakka P., Anastasiou C.A., Stefanis L., Scarmeas N. (2021)
      Objectives:Recently a declining trend in dementia incidence rates has been reported in high-income countries. We investigated dementia incidence in a representative sample of the Greek population in the age group of 65 ...
    • Dementia Prevalence in Greece 

      Kosmidis M.H., Vlachos G.S., Anastasiou C.A., Yannakoulia M., Dardiotis E., Hadjigeorgiou G., Sakka P., Ntanasi E., Scarmeas N. (2018)
      Introduction: Study of the epidemiology of dementia to gain insight into putative predisposing and prophylactic factors is the first step toward establishing effective preventive and therapeutic strategies for this ...
    • Incidence of mild cognitive impairment in the elderly population in Greece: results from the HELIAD study 

      Vlachos G.S., Kosmidis M.H., Yannakoulia M., Dardiotis E., Hadjigeorgiou G., Tzoulaki I., Georgiou A.N., Sakka P., Anastasiou C.A., Stefanis L., Scarmeas N. (2021)
      Background: There are no published data on Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) incidence in people over 65 years of age in Greece, relevant literature is scarce for Southern Europe, and reported rates worldwide show great ...
    • Prevalence and determinants of subjective cognitive decline in a representative Greek elderly population 

      Vlachos G.S., Cosentino S., Kosmidis M.H., Anastasiou C.A., Yannakoulia M., Dardiotis E., Hadjigeorgiou G., Sakka P., Ntanasi E., Scarmeas N. (2019)
      Objectives: We studied the prevalence of subjective cognitive decline (SCD) and its determinants in a sample of 1456 cognitively normal Greek adults ≥65 years old. Methods/design: Subjects were evaluated by a multidisciplinary ...
    • Sleep quality and duration in relation to memory in the elderly: Initial results from the Hellenic Longitudinal Investigation of Aging and Diet 

      Tsapanou A., Gu Y., O'Shea D.M., Yannakoulia M., Kosmidis M., Dardiotis E., Hadjigeorgiou G., Sakka P., Stern Y., Scarmeas N. (2017)
      Background Sleep is crucial for cognition, particularly for memory, given its complex association with neurodegenerative processes. The aim of the present study was to examine the association between sleep quality as well ...
    • Subjective cognitive decline and rates of incident Alzheimer's disease and non–Alzheimer's disease dementia 

      Slot R.E.R., Sikkes S.A.M., Berkhof J., Brodaty H., Buckley R., Cavedo E., Dardiotis E., Guillo-Benarous F., Hampel H., Kochan N.A., Lista S., Luck T., Maruff P., Molinuevo J.L., Kornhuber J., Reisberg B., Riedel-Heller S.G., Risacher S.L., Roehr S., Sachdev P.S., Scarmeas N., Scheltens P., Shulman M.B., Saykin A.J., Verfaillie S.C.J., Visser P.J., Vos S.J.B., Wagner M., Wolfsgruber S., Jessen F., Boada M., de Deyn P.P., Jones R., Frisoni G., Spiru L., Nobili F., Freund-Levi Y., Soininen H., Verhey F., Wallin Å.K., Touchon J., Rikkert M.O., Rigaud A.-S., Bullock R., Tsolaki M., Vellas B., Wilcock G., Froelich L., Bakardjian H., Benali H., Bertin H., Bonheur J., Boukadida L., Boukerrou N., Chiesa P., Colliot O., Dubois B., Dubois M., Epelbaum S., Gagliardi G., Genthon R., Habert M.-O., Houot M., Kas A., Lamari F., Levy M., Metzinger C., Mochel F., Nyasse F., Poisson C., Potier M.-C., Revillon M., Santos A., Andrade K.S., Sole M., Surtee M., Thiebaud de Schotten M., Vergallo A., Younsi N., van der Flier W.M., Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, DESCRIPA working group, INSIGHT-preAD study group, SCD-I working group (2019)
      Introduction: In this multicenter study on subjective cognitive decline (SCD) in community-based and memory clinic settings, we assessed the (1) incidence of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and non-AD dementia and (2) determinants ...