Πλοήγηση ανά Συγγραφέα "Tsopelas, P. C."
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of multi-base seismically isolated structures with uplift potential I: formulation
Tsopelas, P. C.; Roussis, P. C.; Constantinou, M. C. (2009)The complexity of modern seismically isolated structures requires the analysis of the structural system and the isolation system in its entirety and the ability to capture potential discontinuous phenomena such as isolator ... -
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of multi-base seismically isolated structures with uplift potential II: verification examples
Roussis, P. C.; Tsopelas, P. C.; Constantinou, M. C. (2010)The work presented in this paper serves as numerical verification of the analytical model developed in the companion paper for nonlinear dynamic analysis of multi-base seismically isolated structures. To this end, two ... -
Three-dimensional nonlinear dynamic analysis of multi-base seismically isolated structures with uplift potential
Roussis, P. C.; Tsopelas, P. C.; Constantinou, M. C. (2010)The complexity of modern seismically isolated structures requires tools for fast, accurate and reliable analysis and the ability to capture potential discontinuous phenomena such as isolator uplift and their effects on the ...