Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.creatorAsprogerakas, Evangelosen
dc.creatorMountanea, Kikien
dc.description.abstractThe shaping of a strong, recognizable and thus attractive identity of a place is closely linked to the process of effective planning, both in strategic and in physical level. Heritage is a common marketing tool that relied on the exploitation and presentation of, among others, urban forms related to the past. The re-packaging and re-use of historical structures and brownfields, remains of previous urban development models often provide the field for a landscape renewal underscored a link with the past. The Ruhr Valley has long been linked to the industrial history of Europe due to the concentration of mining and steel industry. Since the 1970s, these activities have been declining causing severe social and economic problems. Today the region is undergoing a restructuring process. This work will focus on: (a) some of the strategies and actions implemented to identify a new identity of the area with an emphasis on the development of the Emscher Landshaftspark; and (b) the way in which the old abandoned industrial facilities were used in the context of configuring this new identity. The Emscher Landscape Park, developed in the 90s, offers an exceptional landscape of industrial culture and leisure activities. The related projects have improved the quality of life in the area while providing a network of attractions linked to the industrial heritage of the region. The revitalization or repurposing of the former industrial brownfields, is a major tool in this process for enhancement of the cities' but also the whole region's image. Following the presentation of the planning goals and principles for shaping the park, a series of examples of brownfields interventions will be presented (eg Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex, Gasometer, Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord etc) in order to identify a typology. The conclusions will include a summary and assessment of the goals and choices made and, finally, the characteristics of the new identity that is being sought to promote the area.en
dc.source4th Annual Conference of the International Place Branding Association (IPBA), Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Volos, 27-29 November 2019el
dc.subjectSpatial planningen
dc.subjectRegional brandingen
dc.subjectIndustrial heritageen
dc.subjectRemediation strategyen
dc.titlePlace branding and industrial heritage: spatial Strategies and Interventions in the Rurh areaen

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Zur Kurzanzeige