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dc.creatorSioulas P.A., Chrysanidis T.A., Alamanis N.O., Papageorgiou G.P.en
dc.description.abstractGreece is divided into three seismic hazard zones ZI, ZII, ZIII. In the present research work, the same building in the three seismic zones of Greece is modeled, analysed and dimensioned and then the construction cost of its structural body is estimated. The building modeling was performed in SAP2000 using linear finite elements. The analysis of the building was performed by dynamic spectral analysis methods using the design spectrum of EC8. A ten-storey building with a standard floor plan per floor was used. The purpose of this research paper is through comparative analytical estimation of construction costs to demonstrate whether the cost of construction of the bearing structure of a reinforced concrete building is affected by the area seismic hazard, if this influence is significant and to what extent. Useful conclusions are drawn regarding the influence of seismicity on the construction cost of the load-bearing structure of reinforced concrete buildings. © 2021 COMPDYN Proceedings.en
dc.sourceCOMPDYN Proceedingsen
dc.subjectBearings (machine parts)en
dc.subjectComputational methodsen
dc.subjectComputer aided engineeringen
dc.subjectConcrete buildingsen
dc.subjectEarthquake engineeringen
dc.subjectEngineering geologyen
dc.subjectSeismic responseen
dc.subjectSpectrum analysisen
dc.subjectStructural analysisen
dc.subjectBuilding modelen
dc.subjectConstruction costsen
dc.subjectHazard zonesen
dc.subjectLoadbearing structureen
dc.subjectReinforced concrete buildingsen
dc.subjectSeismic actionen
dc.subjectSeismic hazardsen
dc.subjectSeismic zonesen
dc.subjectReinforced concreteen
dc.subjectNational Technical University of Athensen
dc.titleStudy of the influence of seismic action on the construction cost of the load-bearing structure of a ten-storey R/C buildingen

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