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dc.creatorPapastergiou G., Xenakis A., Chatzimisios P., Chaikalis K.en
dc.description.abstractIn deployments of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), sensor placement, coverage, connectivity and energy constraints determine the overall network lifetime. In large-size WSNs it is difficult to maintain a trade-off among these conflicting goals and, thus, scaling is difficult. In the related research literature, various solutions are proposed that attempt to address near optimal behavior in polynomial time. In this paper, we formulate a lifetime extension problem regarding sensor placement, under coverage and energy constraints, and solve it by employing neural network approach. To do so, the neural network proposes and handles sensor placement coordinates in 2D plane, having the ultimate goal to extend network lifetime. Simulation results show that our proposed algorithm improves network lifetime, while maintaining communication and energy constraints, for medium and large-scale deployments. © 2022 IEEE.en
dc.source2022 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium, GIIS 2022en
dc.subjectEconomic and social effectsen
dc.subjectPolynomial approximationen
dc.subjectWireless sensor networksen
dc.subjectCoverage constraintsen
dc.subjectEnergy constrainten
dc.subjectLifetime extensionen
dc.subjectMulti-objective optimizationen
dc.subjectMulti-objectives optimizationen
dc.subjectNetwork lifetimeen
dc.subjectNetwork sensorsen
dc.subjectNeural network configurationsen
dc.subjectSensor placementen
dc.subjectMultiobjective optimizationen
dc.subjectInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.en
dc.titleSensor Placement for Lifetime Extension by Applying Neural Network Configuration under Coverage and Energy Constraintsen

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