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dc.creatorKourkoulis R., Gelagoti F., Georgiou I., Karamanos S., Gazetas G.en
dc.description.abstractDictated by the world's escalating energy demands, offshore infrastructure is moving beyond the immediate continental shelf into deeper waters. Although the monopile solution has proven its reliability for many years, its feasibility in larger depths is questionable, or even limited, and multi-pod foundations, such as jacket structures, could be regarded as viable alternatives. Their main advantage, compared to the monopile alternative, is that they are able to sustain large lateral loads through axial stressing rather than bending at their supports (usually materialized using piles or suction caissons). Recognizing this reality, the present study attempts to compare the performance of a conventional monopile system with that of a jacket foundation when taking into consideration extreme earthquake loading. Although safety fuses do exist to isolate the mechanical equipment from the direct effects of such loading, our focus in this study is on the irrecoverable deformation at the foundation level which, under circumstances, may render the turbine inoperable. © 2017 ASME.en
dc.sourceProceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAEen
dc.subjectArctic engineeringen
dc.subjectOffshore wind turbinesen
dc.subjectWind turbinesen
dc.subjectAxial stressingen
dc.subjectContinental shelvesen
dc.subjectEarthquake loadingsen
dc.subjectExtreme loadingsen
dc.subjectJacket structuresen
dc.subjectMechanical equipmenten
dc.subjectOffshore infrastructureen
dc.subjectSuction caissonen
dc.subjectAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)en
dc.titleOn the adequacy of existing foundation schemes for offshore wind turbines subjected to extreme loadingen

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