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dc.creatorKarvelas E.G., Lampropoulos N.K., Benos L.T., Karakasidis T., Sarris I.E.en
dc.description.abstractBackground and objective In-vivo MRI-guided drug delivery concept is a personalized technique towards cancer treatment. A major bottleneck of this method, is the weak magnetic response of nanoparticles. A crucial improvement is the usage of paramagnetic nanoparticles aggregates since they can easier manipulated in human arteries than isolated particles. However its significance, not a comprehensive study to estimate the mean length and time to aggregate exists. Methods The present detailed numerical study includes all major discrete and continues forces and moments of the nanoscale in a global model. The effort is given in summarizing the effects of particle diameter and concentration, and magnetic field magnitude to comprehensive relations. Therefore, several cases with nanoparticles having various diameters and concentrations are simulated as magnetic field increases. Results It is found that aggregations with maximum length equal to 2000nm can be formed. In addition, the increase of the concentration leads to a decrease in the amount of the isolated particles. Consequently, 33% of the particles are isolated for the concentration of 2.25mg/ml while 13% for the concentration of 10mg/ml. Moreover, the increase of the permanent magnetic field and diameter of particles gives rise to an asymptotic behavior in the number of isolated particles. Furthermore, the mean length of aggregates scales linear with diameter and magnetic field, however, concentration increase results in a weaker effect. The larger aggregation that is formed is composed by 21 particles. Smaller time is needed for the completion of the aggregation process with larger particles. Additionally, the increase of the magnitude of the magnetic field leads to a decrease in the aggregation time process. Therefore, 8.5ms are needed for the completion of the aggregation process for particles of 100nm at B0=0.1T while 7ms at B0=0.9T. Surprisedly, the mean time to aggregate is of the same order as in microparticles, although, with an opposite trend. Conclusions In this study, the evolution of the mean length of aggregations as well as the completion time of the aggregation process in the nano and micro range is evaluated. The present results could be useful to improve the magnetic nanoparticles assisted drug delivery method in order to minimize the side effects from the convectional cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy. © 2020 Elsevier B.V.en
dc.sourceComputer Methods and Programs in Biomedicineen
dc.subjectControlled drug deliveryen
dc.subjectIron oxidesen
dc.subjectMagnetic bubblesen
dc.subjectMagnetic field effectsen
dc.subjectMagnetic nanoparticlesen
dc.subjectNumerical methodsen
dc.subjectRadiation effectsen
dc.subjectTargeted drug deliveryen
dc.subjectAggregation processen
dc.subjectAsymptotic behaviorsen
dc.subjectDiameter of particleen
dc.subjectDrug delivery concepten
dc.subjectFe3O4 nanoparticlesen
dc.subjectMagnetic field magnitudesen
dc.subjectParticle diametersen
dc.subjectPermanent magnetic fieldsen
dc.subjectmagnetite nanoparticleen
dc.subjectcomputational fluid dynamicsen
dc.subjectcontrolled studyen
dc.subjectdiscrete element analysisen
dc.subjectmagnetic fielden
dc.subjectparticle sizeen
dc.subjectquantitative studyen
dc.subjectdrug delivery systemen
dc.subjectmagnetic fielden
dc.subjectDrug Delivery Systemsen
dc.subjectMagnetic Fieldsen
dc.subjectParticle Sizeen
dc.subjectElsevier Ireland Ltden
dc.titleOn the magnetic aggregation of Fe3O4 nanoparticlesen

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