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dc.creatorKarvelas E., Liosis C., Benos L., Karakasidis T., Sarris I.en
dc.description.abstractWater quality problems are a persistent global issue since population growth has continually stressed hydrological resources. Heavy metals released into the environment from plating plants, mining, and alloy manufacturing pose a significant threat to the public health. A possible solution for water purification from heavy metals is to capture them by using nanoparticles in micromixers. In this method, conventionally heavy metal capture is achieved by effectively mixing two streams, a particle solution and the contaminated water, under the action of external magnetic fields. In the present study, we investigated the effective mixing of iron oxide nanoparticles and water without the use of external magnetic fields. For this reason, the mixing of particles and the contaminated water was studied for various inlet velocity ratios and inflow angles of the two streams using computational fluid dynamics techniques. The Navier-Stokes equations were solved for the water flow, the discrete motion of particles was evaluated by a Lagrangian method, while the flow of substances of the contaminated water was studied by a scalar transport equation. Results showed that as the velocity ratio between the inlet streams increased, the mixing of particles with the contaminated water was increased. Therefore, nanoparticles were more uniformly distributed in the duct and efficiently absorbed the substances of the contaminated water. On the other hand, the angle between two streams was found to play an insignificant role in the mixing process. Consequently, the results from this study could be used in the design of more compact and cost efficient micromixer devices. © 2019 by the authors.en
dc.sourceWater (Switzerland)en
dc.subjectComputational fluid dynamicsen
dc.subjectDriers (materials)en
dc.subjectElementary particlesen
dc.subjectFinite difference methoden
dc.subjectFlow of wateren
dc.subjectHealth risksen
dc.subjectHeavy metal alloysen
dc.subjectHeavy metalsen
dc.subjectIron oxidesen
dc.subjectLagrange multipliersen
dc.subjectMagnetic fieldsen
dc.subjectMetal nanoparticlesen
dc.subjectMixers (machinery)en
dc.subjectNavier Stokes equationsen
dc.subjectPopulation statisticsen
dc.subjectPublic healthen
dc.subjectRiver pollutionen
dc.subjectWater distribution systemsen
dc.subjectWater qualityen
dc.subjectWater treatment plantsen
dc.subjectComputational fluid dynamics techniqueen
dc.subjectExternal magnetic fielden
dc.subjectHeavy metal removalen
dc.subjectHydrological resourcesen
dc.subjectIron oxide nanoparticleen
dc.subjectScalar transport equationen
dc.subjectWater purificationen
dc.subjectWater quality problemsen
dc.subjectChemicals removal (water treatment)en
dc.subjectcomputational fluid dynamicsen
dc.subjectdiscrete element methoden
dc.subjectheavy metalen
dc.subjectiron oxideen
dc.subjectpollutant removalen
dc.subjectwater treatmenten
dc.subjectMDPI AGen
dc.titleMicromixing efficiency of particles in heavy metal removal processes under various inlet conditionsen

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