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dc.creatorGkargkavouzi A., Halkos G., Matsiori S.en
dc.description.abstractThe global marine environment degradation is strongly related to the unsustainable use of the marine living resources and the ineffective conservation policies. Assessing individual's general perceptions of marine biodiversity may contribute to the implementation of successful conservation policies within the existing social-cultural context. The present work investigates citizens' assigned values for ecosystem services, perceived threats, and attitudes toward marine biodiversity in a Greek coastal port city, Thessaloniki. We used the Social Values Indicators for ecosystem services list of items to measure values, a revised form of the Ocean Attitudes Questionnaire to assess attitudes toward the marine environment, and adopted items from past research to explore the perceived threats to the marine environment. Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed the structure of the constructs. Τhe results showed positive attitudes towards marine biodiversity while participants recognized the contribution of marine biodiversity to both ecological balance and economic development. Pollution from industry and farming were identified as the most important threats to the marine environment. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to confirm the structure of the constructs and assess the relationships between attitudes, threats, and values. The results indicated that use values are strongly but negatively related to ecological attitudes and perceived threats, while non-use values are significantly and positively related to attitudes and threats. The utility of these results for designing effective policy implementations that incorporate public perceptions is discussed. © 2018 Elsevier Ltden
dc.sourceOcean and Coastal Managementen
dc.subjectFactor analysisen
dc.subjectMultivariant analysisen
dc.subjectAssigned valuesen
dc.subjectConfirmatory factor analyses (CFA)en
dc.subjectExploratory factor analysisen
dc.subjectMarine biodiversityen
dc.subjectPerceived threatsen
dc.subjectPolicy implementationsen
dc.subjectStructural equation modelingen
dc.subjectMarine pollutionen
dc.subjectassessment methoden
dc.subjectconservation statusen
dc.subjectenvironmental degradationen
dc.subjectenvironmental policyen
dc.subjectmarine environmenten
dc.subjectmarine resourceen
dc.subjectpolicy implementationen
dc.subjectpublic attitudeen
dc.subjectquestionnaire surveyen
dc.subjecturban areaen
dc.subjectCentral Macedoniaen
dc.subjectThessaloniki [Central Macedonia]en
dc.subjectThessaloniki [Thessaloniki (DPR)]en
dc.subjectElsevier Ltden
dc.titleAssessing values, attitudes and threats towards marine biodiversity in a Greek coastal port city and their interrelationshipsen

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