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dc.creatorGeorgopoulou A., Fotiadou L., Tryfon S., Daniil Z., Boutou A.K.en
dc.description.abstractBackground: Although asthmatics may present reduced exercise capacity, data on their cardiovascular responses during exercise testing have been scarcely investigated. The aim of this pilot case-control study is to test: a) whether double product (DP), an index of cardiovascular reserve, differs among patients with severe and mild-moderate asthma, and b) whether DP is associated with asthma control level, physical activity (PA) and exercise capacity, in asthmatics population. Materials and Methods: A group of patients with severe asthma (group S) and a matched group of patients with mild-moderate asthma (group M) was studied. All participants completed asthma control and physical activity (IPAC) questionnaires, lung function measurements and six-minute walk test. The exercise capacity (as 6-minute walk distance (6MWD) and corresponding work), the Borg Dyspnea, the rating of perceived excursion and the average PA METS were recorded. Results: A total of 18 patients were studied. DP at exercise end was significantly lower in group S, compared to group M (16412.2±4732.1 vs. 18594.8±3984.4 mmHgXbpm; p=0.041) and was moderately associated with % predicted 6MWD (r=0.592; p=0.001). Group S patients were also presented with lower moderate intensity PA, compared to group M, while exercise capacity was similar between the groups. Asthma control level had no impact on exercise capacity nor PA parameters. Conclusion: Patients with severe asthma may have impaired cardiovascular reserve as established by DP, even when exercise capacity is indifferent from patients with milder disease. As an easy-to-assess parameter, DP may offer further information in the functional evaluation of these patients. © 2022 Georgopoulou et al.en
dc.sourceOpen Respiratory Medicine Journalen
dc.subjectbeta adrenergic receptor stimulating agenten
dc.subjectleukotriene receptor blocking agenten
dc.subjectmonoclonal antibodyen
dc.subjectmuscarinic agenten
dc.subjectAsthma Control Questionnaireen
dc.subjectAsthma Control Testen
dc.subjectBorg dyspnea scaleen
dc.subjectcardiovascular diseaseen
dc.subjectcardiovascular responseen
dc.subjectcase control studyen
dc.subjectclinical articleen
dc.subjectcontrolled studyen
dc.subjectdiastolic blood pressureen
dc.subjectdiffusing capacity for carbon monoxideen
dc.subjectdisease risk assessmenten
dc.subjectforced expiratory volumeen
dc.subjectforced vital capacityen
dc.subjectheart rateen
dc.subjectinspiratory capacityen
dc.subjectinternational physical activity questionnaireen
dc.subjectlung function testen
dc.subjectmoderate persistent asthmaen
dc.subjectpeak expiratory flowen
dc.subjectpilot studyen
dc.subjectprospective studyen
dc.subjectresidual volumeen
dc.subjectsevere asthmaen
dc.subjectsix minute walk testen
dc.subjectsystolic blood pressureen
dc.subjecttotal lung capacityen
dc.subjectBentham Science Publishersen
dc.titleImpaired Cardiovascular Response to Exercise in Patients with Severe Asthma: A Case-Control Studyen

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