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dc.creatorEbrahimian H., Astroza R., Conte J.P., Papadimitriou C.en
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents a framework for nonlinear system identification of civil structures using sparsely measured dynamic output response of the structure. Using a sequential maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) approach, the unknown FE model parameters, the measurement noise variances, and the input ground acceleration time histories are estimated jointly. This approach requires the computation of FE response sensitivities with respect to the unknown FE model parameters (i.e., FE parameter sensitivities) as well as the FE response sensitivities with respect to the values of the input ground acceleration at every time step (i.e., FE input sensitivities). The FE parameter and input sensitivities are computed using the direct differentiation method (DDM). The presented output-only nonlinear FE model updating method is validated using the numerically simulated seismic response of a realistic three-dimensional five-story reinforced concrete building structure. The simulated building responses to a horizontal bi-directional seismic excitation is contaminated with artificial measurement noise and used to estimate the unknown FE model parameters characterizing the nonlinear material constitutive laws of the reinforced concrete, as well as the root mean square of the measurement noise at each measurement channel, and the full time history of the seismic base acceleration. The method presented in this paper provides a powerful framework for structural system and damage identification of civil structures, when the input excitations are not measured, are partially measured, or the measured input excitations are erroneous. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.en
dc.sourceProcedia Engineeringen
dc.subjectBayesian networksen
dc.subjectConcrete bridgesen
dc.subjectConcrete buildingsen
dc.subjectDamage detectionen
dc.subjectIdentification (control systems)en
dc.subjectInference enginesen
dc.subjectMaximum likelihooden
dc.subjectMaximum likelihood estimationen
dc.subjectNonlinear systemsen
dc.subjectParameter estimationen
dc.subjectReinforced concreteen
dc.subjectReligious buildingsen
dc.subjectSeismic responseen
dc.subjectSpurious signal noiseen
dc.subjectStructural analysisen
dc.subjectStructural dynamicsen
dc.subjectStructural health monitoringen
dc.subjectStructures (built objects)en
dc.subjectBayesian inferenceen
dc.subjectDamage Identificationen
dc.subjectInput estimationen
dc.subjectModel updatingen
dc.subjectNon-linear finite element modelen
dc.subjectFinite element methoden
dc.subjectElsevier Ltden
dc.titleA Nonlinear Model Inversion Method for Joint System Parameter, Noise, and Input Identification of Civil Structuresen

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