Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.creatorVogiatzis, C.en
dc.creatorVasiliadis, V.en
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the project is the implementation of the Noise Regulations and the setting up of procedures to be followed in conjunction with said Noise Regulations Environmental noise. Environmental noise seriously harms the quality of life and road traffic noise and neighborhood noise are the most common causes of complaints in Malta. Over a long period of time, noise has a determinable influence on well-being and perceived quality of life. Sleep disturbance from noise may possibly affect public health. With local councils already making their complaints, sources need to be identified and noise limits set out in proper regulations. In Malta, there have never been specific noise levels that could be used during investigations, and thus it has always been a problem how such complaints from the general public could be investigated. At present, complaints regarding 'noise pollution' are referred to the Police who may take action against offenders if they cause 'nuisance to neighbours'. However this method is not efficient. The expected results of this project were effective public health regulations for the control of residential noise and proficiency in residential noise investigations and monitoring. Trained health inspectors able to effectively and professionally apply investigations procedures and make use of the appropriate noise monitoring equipment. A very important and effective tool for the Malta Authorities was the project deliverable "DRAFT LEGISLATION ON NOISE POLLUTION LIMITS MEASUREMENT & CONTROL FOR VARIOUS LAND USES" which includes a) Main Definitions b) Noise Sources & Affected Receptors (Premises & Land Uses) c) Noise Limits and Indices d) Measurement methods & Correction factors e) Suggestions for Procedures & Penalties f) Measurement test report.en
dc.subjectCorrection factorsen
dc.subjectEnvironmental noiseen
dc.subjectHealth regulationsen
dc.subjectMeasurement methodsen
dc.subjectNoise investigationen
dc.subjectRoad traffic noiseen
dc.subjectSleep disturbancesen
dc.subjectUrban road networksen
dc.subjectEnvironmental regulationsen
dc.subjectLand useen
dc.subjectLaws and legislationen
dc.subjectNoise pollutionen
dc.subjectPublic healthen
dc.subjectAcoustic noiseen
dc.titleEnvironmental noise investigation procedure in the urban road network in Maltaen

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Zur Kurzanzeige