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dc.creatorVassilakopoulos, M.en
dc.creatorCorral, A.en
dc.creatorKaranikolas, N. N.en
dc.description.abstractA spatial join, a common query in Spatial Databases and Geographical Information Systems (GIS), consists in testing every possible pair of data elements belonging to two spatial datasets against a spatial predicate. This predicate might be "intersects", "contains", "is enclosed by", "distance", "northwest", "adjacent", "meets", etc. The large size of datasets that appears in industrial and commercial modern applications (e.g. GIS applications, where multiple instances of the datasets are kept) raises the cost of join processing and the importance of the choice of the data indexing method and the query processing technique. The family of R-trees is considered a good choice (especially the R*-tree) for indexing a spatial dataset. When joining two datasets, a common assumption is that each dataset is indexed by a different R*-tree and the join is processed by a synchronous traversal of the two trees. In this paper, we assume that both datasets are indexed by a single R*-tree, so that spatial locality between different datasets is embedded in data indexing, facilitating the evaluation of join queries between the two datasets. We experimentally compare the I/O and Response Time performance of join queries, using this single tree indexing approach against the usual approach of indexing each dataset by a different tree. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.en
dc.subjectQuery Processingen
dc.subjectSpatial Access Methodsen
dc.subjectData elementsen
dc.subjectData setsen
dc.subjectGeographical information systemsen
dc.subjectGIS applicationen
dc.subjectIndexing methodsen
dc.subjectJoin processingen
dc.subjectLarge sizesen
dc.subjectModern applicationsen
dc.subjectMultiple instancesen
dc.subjectQuery processing techniquesen
dc.subjectResponse timeen
dc.subjectSpatial databaseen
dc.subjectSpatial datasetsen
dc.subjectSpatial joinen
dc.subjectSpatial localityen
dc.subjectSpatial predicatesen
dc.subjectComputer scienceen
dc.subjectDatabase systemsen
dc.subjectDecision treesen
dc.subjectGeographic information systemsen
dc.subjectIndexing (of information)en
dc.subjectIndexing (materials working)en
dc.titleJoin-queries between two spatial datasets indexed by a single R*-treeen

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