Evaluation of solid sorbents for the determination of fenhexamid, metalaxyl-M, pyrimethanil, malathion and myclobutanil residues in air samples - Application to monitoring malathion and fenhexamid dissipation in greenhouse air using C-18 or Supelpak-2 for sampling
A methodology is described for greenhouse air analysis by sampling fenhexamid, pyrimethanil, malathion, metalaxyl-M and myclobutanil in solid sorbents. Pesticides were determined by gas chromatography with NP Detector. The trapping efficiency of XAD-2, XAD-4, Supelpak-2, Florisil and C-18 at different sampling conditions (rate, time and air humidity) and pesticides concentration levels has been evaluated. No breakthrough was observed in the range of concentration studied (0.10-75 mu g of each pesticide). In almost all the cases good stability results were obtained. Personal pumps have been used with selected sorbents (Supelpak-2 and C-18) in order to sample malathion and fenhexamid in air of experimental greenhouse after their application in a tomato crop. The dissipation process of the analytes in various time periods after application has been studied. Malathion concentrations varied between 20.1 mu g m(-3) just after application and 1.06 mu g m(-3) 3 days later. Fenhexamid concentrations, determined by high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection, fall rapidly; after 12 h post-application being below 0.50 mu g m(-3). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.