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dc.creatorStamatelos, A. M.en
dc.description.abstractDuring the last decade, significant funding has become available to Greek public universities to support the convergence to the common European space of higher education. In a number of departments, this funding was wisely invested in the development of a quality culture, covering not only the educational process, but also the services offered by the department's administration and technical support staff. This paper presents the design and implementation of a quality-oriented studies' reform plan in the Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Thessaly in the period 2002-2008. Based on the successful experience from its application, a significant part of the personnel and students have become acquainted with basic quality assurance procedures and performance evaluation. Experience and lessons learnt from this effort are reported and discussed in this paper. © 2010 SEFI.en
dc.subjectBologna processen
dc.subjectEngineering educationen
dc.subjectQuality cultureen
dc.subjectUniversity reformen
dc.titleExperience gained from the application of basic quality assurance procedures in a Greek university engineering departmenten

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